What’s going on at 4.10am?!!!

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House Bee
Aug 17, 2019
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I work part time at a night club. I have 3 hives in my garden. Closest one about 6’ from my front door. Only once (at 10.38pm) did I have one bee in my hall attracted to the light. Came home about 3.30am. No bees on the go. Weather quite mild no wind. 4.10am went out side to the bucket, had 2 bees enter my hall very quickly followed by a 3rd!!!! So quick I shut the door expecting more!! Why on earth would I have ANY bees in my house when darkness now happens approx 9pm where I live. That’s approximately 7 hours of darkness. Can anybody please explain? I’ve never seen anything like it in my life. I am really confused about this. :hairpull::hairpull::hairpull::hairpull::hairpull::hairpull::hairpull::hairpull::hairpull:
It's warm
They are hanging around at the entrance or under the floor and are attracted to your house when you put the lights on. happens a lot with those who have external lights on at night.
its warm, mine were hanging around the landing boards well after dark,
It's warm
They are hanging around at the entrance or under the floor and are attracted to your house when you put the lights on. happens a lot with those who have external lights on at night.

Don’t have any external lights. Just the hall light. Must have been attracted to that. But I don’t understand why. Last year was hotter for longer and that never happened.
My apiary is next to my workshop .. on warm evenings I regularly get bees attracted to the exterior security light by the door (which has a movement sensor). They go back to the hive when the light goes off, just attracted to the light. Nothing unusual.
Ours are about 8-10ft from the back door, and just round the side of the house there is a security light, if that goes of because we have wandered round of cat/fox/badger etc has set it of, if its a warm evening and there's lots loitering on the landing board one or tow may decide to investigate the light, not the best move as there is a resident spider hiding behind it!
Last year was our first year, and was quite surprised to see the number of bees out of the hive at night, but then its pitch dark in the hive so figure they know what they are doing.

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