Weald Farm Orders

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Good Morning Stephen all orders are running a little late due to my head beekeeper having a stroke last month but I am hoping it will not be two long I will point out the 14x12 nuc's are on 5 frames not six there was an early typo and I am sorry for this.

The orders are on a first come first served basis and you will be called aprox 5 days before I feel the bees NEED to be moved out of the Nuc box into a hive to arrange a convenient delivery time scale.

If you have any further problems please feel free to call or email.


William Alldis
I will point out the 14x12 nuc's are on 5 frames not six there was an early typo

Can one assume there is also a 'typo' in the price column as well? Price quoted is too high by a factor of 20%? Ha ha, customers been/being taken 'for a ride' again?
steve1958;139644 said:
Good Morning Stephen all orders are running a little late due to my head beekeeper having a stroke last month but I am hoping it will not be two long I will point out the 14x12 nuc's are on 5 frames not six there was an early typo and I am sorry for this.

The orders are on a first come first served basis and you will be called aprox 5 days before I feel the bees NEED to be moved out of the Nuc box into a hive to arrange a convenient delivery time scale.

If you have any further problems please feel free to call or email.


William Alldis

I like William, I got a good service from William.

But i have to say he is a lying fooker!

At Stoneleigh April the 16th he told me that his head beekeeper had a stroke while he was on holiday to his homeland of Bulgaria or some other distant part of Europe. This would put the date of his stroke around the start of April…

At Stoneleigh he also told me he had over 20 Nucs stolen from his farm, this was what was holding up the over wintered Nucs, a thief had them! Yeah right! It was all sounding so pathetic, and resembled a school boy trying to tell lies to get him self out of trouble!

I wont be using William again due to the amount of lies he keeps telling everyone. He needs to start talking to the customer more and telling the truth not lies! But that said, I doubt he will be around in 2 years time. At this rate no one will be using him a second time.

Buyer Beeware
If there were to be 2 golden rules of business I would say they should be...

1. Don't sell what you haven't got.
2. Don't lie to your customers.

People often put up with a bit of messing around but won't tolerate the above.
Rotor1947;139399 said:
But we ended up in a field of stinging nettles, with Mum talking to William on the phone and finally jamming some frames into a travel box (not the poly nuc we were promised - because Mum said they don't actually have any).

The only sympathy I have for this person is his stinging nettle affliction: it's the time of year and surely you wouldn't want him wafting sprays around an apiary?

HOWEVER, I do feel very concerned that the front end of this operation looks relatively slick and that this is very deceptive.

Remember the post: "This is a system that we will be using on all of our nucs as well (hopefully for 2011 season) we hope people will keep the records up to date online when they get their bees home on their own user portal. It allows us to keep track of ware our bees end up something that I am quite keen to do as it reflects our reputation, something I care a lot about."

So polyboxes aside how's the online record keeping going? And the bar coding of random travel boxes?
Let not forget the story i got about P***es steeling his design for the Polly Nuc box he wanted to sell. Then the lad who ran off with his backing money to make the said Poly Nuc boxes...

Liar Liar your pants are on fire :seeya:
I would recommend anyone who has had a bad experience contact Trading Standards and report the poor service received.

You can do that here: http://www.tradingstandards.gov.uk/advice/consumer-advice.cfm

Don't wait, or he will get away with bad service (and possibly spread disease) and you will be complicit in other beeks receiving poor service and possibly spreading disease.

I know, it's a pain in the backside, but ultimately you're protecting yourself for the future.
Well his mother told us that the experienced beekeeper was Scottish, had a heart attack abroad and is now in the Glasgow Royal Infirmary!

We were also told the story that he would phone just as the bees were bursting out of the nuc and needed hiving. We got 2/3 actual frames of bees having expected a five frame nuc.

I will contact Trading Standards - as I think all of the unsatisfied customers should. I agree he is unlikely to be in business much longer, but how many new beekeepers are going to try to buy bees or be 'trained' by him before he is stopped?

Anyway - so far as nucs being ready for July - what was it they used to say ...' a swarm of bees in July, isn't worth a fly'
having called 4 times, i was promised that he sent the queens though the post ( 2 lots so far) ive just emailed him and ive got to call back later ,as he is driving! , and repeat whats in my email asking for a full refund or court action / trading standards involvement.

lets see what happens??

i will never use him again and will warn others about him
thurrock bees;140005 said:
having called 4 times, i was promised that he sent the queens though the post ( 2 lots so far) ive just emailed him and ive got to call back later ,as he is driving! , and repeat whats in my email asking for a full refund or court action / trading standards involvement.

lets see what happens??

i will never use him again and will warn others about him

I'd tell Trading Standards in any case, TB.
Poor William,what with his printing company going bust last year,and now all this new beekeeping palaver,what to do next,oh dear.
I found this whole thread sad and also found I was getting really angry towards the seller/company. What is wrong with this Country? Companies don't seem to give a damn anymore. Just for an instance I ordered two 8' x 6' sheds on line a couple of weeks ago and got let down terribly by this 'big' company and they didn't give a toss. 'Plenty more customers where he came from' seemed to be their attitude. That is also the case here but this thread is doing him more harm than good and it serves him right. The sooner he closes up the better in my book. Sorry if this seems harsh and especially for the people that DID get what they ordered and wish to continue using him. Having read this thread I wouldn't give him or his company the time of day.
I agree there is a lot of emotion, pain, anger, and frustration in this thread. It makes me uncomfortable too.

It seems like this individual has attempted to create a new business for which he was unprepared and unable to cope with. He doesn't appear to have provided sufficient resources to his venture and has been struggling to maintain his position. Instead of halting his efforts and seeking assistance to correctly develop a workable proposition that he could honestly bring to his customers he appears to have struggled on as best he could hoping that he could somehow turn an imaginary corner and improve his situation. As a result he has let many customers down as well as himself. I get the impression that he is not a willful fraudster but rather someone who has been unable to manage the demands of his situation and has slipped out of his depth. This may be down to bad luck or simply not having some personal disciplines needed to run such an operation.

The result of his behaviour is very unsettling for a great many people and this whole thread has a great many salutary lessons to take away from it for many people.

My sympathy lies with those who have lost out in this...and strangely that includes the man whose business it is. However, the only effective actions appear to be:

1. Call in trading standards to try to force him to halt before yet more people part with money, more bees are placed at risk of disease, and before he gets himself further into difficulty.
2. Those who are waiting for something from him request a refund.
3. Make a personal decision not to buy from him again in the future.

I don't think he will halt of his own accord.

Like the last poster said this is a very painful thread.

why doesn't someone who feels let down contact that bald dwarf off of the one show who does the second-rate consumer protection programme on daytime BBC?
drstitson;140151 said:
why doesn't someone who feels let down contact that bald dwarf off of the one show who does the second-rate consumer protection programme on daytime BBC?

Dom Littlewood


Gets results not worthy
drstitson;140151 said:
why doesn't someone who feels let down contact that bald dwarf off of the one show who does the second-rate consumer protection programme on daytime BBC?

Kojak and Dom apart, I think this thread is symptomatic of a malais which runs through british life. These sort of fly by night, make a quick buck, jump on the bandwagon operations not only p off their customers but they undermine the whole industry so that bonefide companies who do serve their customers lose trade and when downturns and recessions hit they are then less able to weather the storm and keep afloat.
However well meaning and nice you are William, shame on you for bringing dissrepute to the industry, hassle to your customers, financial hardship to other vendors, not to mention another flood of foreign genetics into our gene pool.