When you rented the space did that deny access to students to that space thereafter?
Right I've had enough of your tomfoolery and loaded questions. Last reply from me on the subject.
Would you give general access to the Public or Students to wander freely through working laboratories with highly expensive and sensitive equipment (bought on your grant money) and dangerous chemicals?
Short answer is you would be a total fool if you did, bit like being a fool for asking such a stupid question in the first place.
Students are not denied access to these areas, they just need a valid reason to visit them. Seminar/Tutorial/Visit tutor/do research project etc etc.
Anything published is freely available to anyone one else who needs it. Including designer genes/ plasmids/transgenic mice etc etc .Intellectual copyright is protected. i.e a recipient has to acknowledge the source of the freely give material in any of their future research papers. They can't claim they made them.
Might be worth you remembering that Universities have always been centers of research as well as centers of excellence for teaching....Look at the world league tables of Universities where 5 of the top 10 are in the UK including UCL. How can you get a better education than by being taught by world experts in their field at a university?
Glad nearly all rational people don't hold your twitter and bisted view point on academic teaching.
Right enough is enough.
Like several other sentiments role on midnight...I'll get my glass slipper out.