VSH Testing

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I think Fusion is also referring to carnica populations they have available in the US. We all know that the US restricts the importation of stock so, I wonder, just how relevant that information is.
Yes, but not the genetic material such as drone sperm.

Anyone wanting an update on the Arista Buckfast VSH work (2014) in a very understandable format the link is here.
Anyone wanting an update on the Arista Buckfast VSH work (2014) in a very understandable format the link is here.

It's an interesting read, but, a little out of date now. Things change so quickly. They'll have 2015, 16...and soon 17 results which aren't included in that link
It's an interesting read, but, a little out of date now. Things change so quickly. They'll have 2015, 16...and soon 17 results which aren't included in that link

I thought the 2014 in brackets might have been a hint as to the year it was published....ho hum :)
Perhaps with your claimed knowledge of unpublished results you can update us further?
Is this correct? I thought they had to get approval to import any germplasm

Yes it's controlled, not forbidden. You apply for permission , its granted you import it. So not restricted like Chinese honey importation.
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I thought the 2014 in brackets might have been a hint as to the year it was published....ho hum :)
Perhaps with your claimed knowledge of unpublished results you can update us further?

I only get occasional updates (and only superficial stuff on Buckfast because it doesn't concern me) and I wouldn't disclose them here anyway.
I think that other countries are not willing to import queens from USA, that they would get those killer bee genes.

That's a bit of an overreaction. Did you get out of bed on the wrong side?
Its a simple response to someone who is involved in current research into VSH having the arrogance to think that any VSH research or selective breeding that happens out side of Carnica isn't of any concern. Because it damn well should be. ALL information is important.
(and only superficial stuff on Buckfast because it doesn't concern me)
Please don't swear at me. .
I didn't swear at you. I merely pointed out that you are being damn arrogant in ignoring any other research into VSH.

(in Christian belief) be condemned by God to suffer eternal punishment in hell.
criticize strongly.
Its a simple response to someone who is involved in current research into VSH having the arrogance to think that any VSH research or selective breeding that happens out side of Carnica isn't of any concern. Because it damn well should be. ALL information is important.

I read a lot of stuff. Some of it I read in detail because it has immediate bearing on what I do. Other stuff might get a scan-read and if anything jumps out at me, I'll read it. Other stuff, I don't get to because I have other things to do. It's a matter of priorities.
We all have busy lives and I devote a great deal of my time to bee breeding. I share a lot of things I learn, but not all of it. Don't ask for more. You won't get it. I'm not here to service your curiosity.
I'm sorry if you think that's arrogance, but, that's the way it is.
Don't ask for more. You won't get it. I'm not here to service your curiosity.
B+ I've never ever asked for any information from you, just thought the dismissive way you approached my helpful (but 3 year dated) update on the Buckfast VSH programme.
(and only superficial stuff on Buckfast because it doesn't concern me)
was worthy of comment.

Have a nice day.....
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B+ I've never ever asked for any information from you, just thought the dismissive way you approached my helpful (but 3 year dated) update on the Buckfast VSH programme. was worthy of comment.

Have a nice day.....

It wasn't dismissive. I said it was a good read but a little out of date (see post #85).
I am not involved in the Buckfast programme at all.
Your probing comes across as very insistent.
Although I work in the Dutch group, BeeBreed has been working towards varroa tolerance for a long time. Look at the Kirchhain LLH and Arbeitsgemeinschaft Toleranzzucht.
As were many other bee breeding efforts 20 to 30 years ago. They were more or less successful.

The US VSH population used multiple drone insemination and required a huge amount of work to find VSH.
The critical difference was obtaining Primorski queens in the early 1990's. Once they were tested for varroa resistance, the most resistant queens were intercrossed resulting in a few lines with high resistance. It was not recognized that the trait was Varroa Sensitive Hygiene until some queens were sent to Marla Spivak for evaluation. She tested them for hygienic behavior and found they were off the charts. Baton Rouge then looked closer at the bees in question and realized that the varroa resistance was based on detecting, uncapping, and removing brood infested with mites. They then published using the new term "VSH". This was the turning point in developing mite resistance in the U.S.

I think you are overlooking the problems with the method you suggest. There are concerns over how the damage was caused in the mites on a sticky board that make the results of questionable value. It also requires a lot of work to critically analyse the samples that put it on a par with VSH testing in terms of the effort required. It is not a simple test.
I didn't say it was simple. I said it was not hard. Ordinary beekeepers with a few hundred hives have been able to selectively breed for allogrooming and mite mauling. It is the method Bill Carpenter used to stabilize mite resistance in his bees. http://www.carpentersapiaries.com/queen-breeding-program.html
Been skimming some postings and reading in depth some others and am at the point where some nicks are rubbing a tad. Friendly has a resonance, lovely connotations really.

Put the B in front and it is not so nice. I can feel an ignore in the very near future.

I can feel an ignore in the very near future.

I am coming to the conclusion that there is something dysfunctional in a forum that allows this sort of baiting to go on. Others have told me that they no longer post, or post very little, because of the endless trolling. I am getting a bit sick of it myself.
In my humble opinion he's just an arsehole. Put him on block.

It's sad that this kind of behaviour does impact whether people post on here.
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