VSH Testing

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There is a huge expencive research going, where researchers seek for bees, which are able to find the mite under cap. Then they make drones from those via worker laying.

Those uncapping bees are very few in colonies, and they are hunting uncapping genes.
I've been waiting for B+ to post his percentages. he stated number of mites found but did not state non-reproductive vs reproductive.

% non reproducing mites | VSH alleles | VSH %
100 | 4 | 100
67 | 3,5 | 87,5
50 | 3 | 75
33 | 2 | 50
25 | 1 | 25
20 | 0 | 0

I'm guessing his queen is 67%.
I've been waiting for B+ to post his percentages. he stated number of mites found but did not state non-reproductive vs reproductive.

% non reproducing mites | VSH alleles | VSH %
100 | 4 | 100
67 | 3,5 | 87,5
50 | 3 | 75
33 | 2 | 50
25 | 1 | 25
20 | 0 | 0

I'm guessing his queen is 67%.

I have believed 40 years, that I understand English biological text, but now my confidence has gone in this thread. And facts and illusions are happily mixed. Somebody would say hypotesis, but to me they looks like illusions, as they have been last 20 years.

From where you got that table?

When all mites are nonreproducing, how they exist then in the hive?

If B+ has 33% mites however (compared to what), it is huge load (compared to what)

Mystery maths

To quess somebody's VSH percent . That makes no sense.

Why I wonder this: This discussion is so far from testing as it can be. Fusion even quessed my fartology information source.
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