No maximum defined limit for OA, but there is for levels of acidity in honey, to which it contributes. Data, to date, shows no increase in levels in honey after sublimation.
I'm curious. At what level does it "occur naturally in honey" and how much does sublimation add? Also, is there a threshold beyond which it becomes unpalatable/toxic?.....and .... a supplementary question: if you artificially increase the level of a component, doesn't this qualify as an "additive", so, do you declare this on the label?
Apiguard is just thymol crystals packaged expensively.....
Thank you jfullerton.
Apiguard is just thymol crystals packaged expensively.....
most varroa, 80 %, is in your capped brood.
That’s why an accelerated drop works so well as it gets practically all the phoretic mites in 24 hours and you simply multiply by 5.
From there you can extrapolate to a level where the bees are in trouble using the rough premise that varroa double every three to four weeks.
Does it apply at all times of the year?
That is just brilliant! Can you confirm the maths? What is your source for the 80% figure. Does it apply at all times of the year?
When there is brood like Paul says.
It’s a good guesstimate for me at this time of year
If you’ve no brood and you do an accelerated drop with a fast acting miticide you’ve got all the little buggers in one hit. For those that are happy with oxalic, taking every opportunity when colonies are brood less, gets the varroa every time.
@Dani...explain "accelerated" mite drop for the beginners.