Varroa becoming a reportable disease in Scotland

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Where does it say 'may'?

If it's just a draft, why are they bothering all the (Scottish) beekeepers with it?
The Bee Diseases and Pests Control (Scotland) Amendment Order 2021
Article 2A-(2)
' A person reporting under paragraph (1) may submit to the Scottish Ministers samples......
Same as the other sorry business of imports, I'm sure this is just stuff that was overlooked in the brexit negotiations. The usual british must flap about everything attitude. No doubt someone will do a double take at some point and silly things like this will be ironed out eventually.
Like Captain, my captain, ;) I have way better things to be getting on with.
yes, must report it, but may be asked to send a soil sample
I don't think it says may be asked; it just says that samples may be sent by the person submitting a report. I hope they're prepared for the tsunami of samples that may soon be winging their way to Holyrood.
You are proving my point, it undermines control about true invading pest and pathogens. By adding something that is already endemic in UK corrodes compliance for all controls. I support having the paperwork that is part of real physical action on real invaders not a dotting the i. and crossing the T on the already endemic that will result in zero physical action.

The government can do more than one thing at once. we all have cabin fever?
This is a very minor legislative change. It means nothing, it leads to nothing, just brings our legislation into line in a way that does not discriminate against ourselves.
I have zero concern about it and it will not cause me any administrative burden.

a 'reportable' condition does not have any punitive measures HAS to be in our legislation simply that it is reportable...nothing more.

Similar but less onerous that the list of 'notifiable' diseases in other countries that must be in their legislation to allow them to export.
Commission Delegated Regulation (EU) 2020/692 of 30 January 2020 supplementing Regulation (EU) 2016/429 of the European Parliament and of the Council as regards rules for entry into the Union, and the movement and handling after entry of consignments of certain animals, germinal products and products of animal origin

Chapter 2 Specific animal health requirements for queen honeybees
Article 68
Additional guarantees for queen honeybees destined to certain Member States or zone as regards the infestation with Varroa spp. (Varroosis)
Consignments of queen honeybees destined to a Member State or zone with disease-free status for infestation with Varroa spp. (Varroosis) shall only be permitted to enter the Union if such consignments comply with the following requirements:
the honeybees of the consignment must originate from a third country or territory or zone thereof free from infestation with infestation with Varroa spp. (Varroosis);
in the third country or territory of origin or zone thereof, infestation with Varroa spp. (Varroosis) has not been reported for a period of 30 days prior to the date of loading for dispatch to the Union;
every precaution has been taken to avoid contamination of the consignment with Varroa spp. during loading and dispatch to the Union.

Regulation (EU) 2016/429 of the European Parliament and of the Council as regards rules for entry into the Union
States that the third country must have hatched the Queens, so we will have to breed our own queens it would seem.
Has anyone thought to ask: what can a lab actually do to detect a pathogen/pest on queen cages/packaging/attendant bees?
I suspect that a visual examination is the extent of it.
Regulation (EU) 2016/429 of the European Parliament and of the Council as regards rules for entry into the Union
States that the third country must have hatched the Queens, so we will have to breed our own queens it would seem.

This is to prevent re exports I think.

Up o0ntil thy went out of business a lot of rebadged bees from close to SHB entered the UK via a French outfit called Apimiel/

However..for those minded to..your reading may just have struck gold over the 'Northern Ireland loophole' matter.

NI is now a third country to us...and we rolled EU law over into ours.

Does not mean we have to raise all our own queens, but that any we export must be raised here...not much of an issue here...but might be in other countries with a 'selling on' history.

One little effect on my own business id that it removes the option of Irish...both N and S.. customers purchasing Italian raised queens via other Piemonte raised Jo;antas or Buckfasts will now need to be bought direct from Italy and not through a UK trader. In my case that is a very small number ..c 10q p.a....but there are other traders do far more. Our trade to Ireland is mostly home raised so unaffected/

But anyone checking or even planning to check about re exports? They (like all states) did zip all about the rebadging and reexporting of whole truckloads of what odds a parcel of queens will be checked and blocked?
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Next step ... will it be compulsory registration for all beekeepers and keepers of honeybees within England, Wales and Scotland?

If Fanny Smith across the valley from me is not registered on beebase and keeps varroa ridden bees... will she be breaking the Law???
That is probably a very good idea!!!!!
The important word is may rather than must
This is still very much a draft, they've said as much in the preamble I think people should stop scrunching their panties until the definitive version is submitted
The legislation is expected to come into law in Scotland on 21st April 2021. The reason it is being done earlier in Scotland is that it needs to be passed before the parliament closes down for the election in May.