Vaping newbie

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From what I’m gathering on this thread and on others that I’ve been trawling through is that vaping is...well...the best varroa treatment. Others seem to be less efficient and some can’t be used with supers on and/or allow the bees to build an immunity to them over time.

Why doesn’t everybody just vape as their sole varroa treatment?? It’s not that much more of a hassle is it...
a couple of factors in play.....
Brood or no brood
10 hives or 500, time per treatment
Fuel cost
Temperature, weather
Vape on days 1 6 11 and 15 if you need a fourth

Just to be clear on this, since I’m easily confused...

I vaped on Sunday, so my next two vapes will be Friday and Wednesday right?
I’ve vaped one of my hives 4 times now at 5 day intervals and there’s still quite a drop, about 30 the day after the last vape. First time I’ve used the gas-vap and so may not have got it completely right first and second time. Also, they are double brood and I am vaping through a mainly blocked off entrance with floor and back sealed. In double brood, should there be issues of the vapour getting up to the top box in a decent enough quantity, where the bees are?

Treated all three hives with Apivar in autumn but this is the only problem one. Do people use 2 strips in the brood nest area for double brood? I assumed you would not use more.