That makes no sence. It is against everything what have written about swarming control.
How so?
From the floor up, for a four queen skyscraper, you'd have..... floor, broodbox, qx, super, qx, broodbox, qx, super, qx, broodbox, qx, super, qx, broodbox, qx, then as many supers as needed and a roof. As soon as you de-queen the skyscraper you'd have... floor, broodbox, broodbox, broodbox, broodbox, supers and a roof.
Yes, the tower might become very tall; I was going to make one against a banked wall or in an empty silage pit, so you could work it from two levels. But you don't have to have a four colony tower, even a two colony skyscraper should produce 4 times the yield that the two individual colonies would have produced.
Timing with a skyscraper is everything apparently, get all those foragers in place and there is no flow and you'll have a problem for sure.
I must say I'm surprised by your reply (above)! Many would have said to your post about your de-queening experience that "it goes against everything what have written about swarming control." and yet you are seemingly quick to dismiss anything that you yourself have not experienced. That seems a bit hypocritical to me. I think I have a spare copy of Dugats book if you want to PM me your address I'll gladly lend it to you? Maybe you'd understand the system better then than I've been explaining it.
Cambridge UK