Thanks Michael for taking us round full circle - I enjoyed the meandering through splats and Vogons, but neither of them had any answers
Not everyone may realise that imidiacloprid is a neonicotinoid, which of course sets all the alarm bells ringing
I found a
study that says soy is a much more significant source of nectar - and presumably pollen - than people had historically realised. The journalist does not raise the pesticide issue, but two commenters do below the story
This does not rule out issues like stress, monocropping and viruses, of course, but it could be another hole in the boat. The unique feature of CCD, as reported, is that the collapsed hives are empty, not full of dead bees, which suggests some factor that is causing highly abnormal behaviour prior to death. Neonic dressings on soy is not new, so other factors might be a reason why some years are worse than others
I'm encouraged by the point that the federal authorities are more on the case this time, unless president Musk has dismantled them, of course