Unconfirmed AFB N Devon

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We care because there are significant differences in the .... precautions to be taken, and of treatments available. Minor details to some.


Cant think of any immediately. What are the significant differences in the precautions to be taken between the two ?
Cant think of any immediately. What are the significant differences in the precautions to be taken between the two ?

Rewind. AFB is considered a colony disease because of its slow spread across an apiary/area, EFB is considered to be an apiary disease because it spreads much more rapidly between colonies.

In terms of precautions I would not be overly alarmed if AFB had been identified within the same 10km square as one of my apiaries - which is not to say I wouldn't check my stocks there thoroughly - yet if EFB had been identified then I would view cross-infection as much more possible and this might influence migration decisions.

Bear in mind that I live in an area of frequent EFB outbreaks, and that whilst AFB tends to have consistent and progressive signs, those of EFB can be transient as it can be harboured within a colony and only expressed during periods of stress.
Rewind ?!
Backtracking more like !
"might influence migration decisions" doesnt equate to "significant differences in the precautions " in my book.
I cannot seriously believe that a red flag in a 10k square would change a migration decision in real life, unless perhaps if the decision was marginal anyway.
I live in an area where occasional afb crops up but efb is much rarer and tends to only effect the odd imported ( from England) colony and once dealt with rarely spreads or re surfaces.
Bear in mind that I live in an area of frequent EFB outbreaks, and that whilst AFB tends to have consistent and progressive signs, those of EFB can be transient as it can be harboured within a colony and only expressed during periods of stress.

Looks like the frequency you refer to is coming under closer observation from the powers that be.

No doubt caused by this recent event, which is European Foulbrood.

Not sure if they realise they're going to have to bring a bar of Lifebuoy and explain its use! :)

And yes, stress, definitely stress, poor husbandry, non-existent hygiene and words fail .....
Efb in north devon

Looks like the frequency you refer to is coming under closer observation from the powers that be.

No doubt caused by this recent event, which is European Foulbrood.

Not sure if they realise they're going to have to bring a bar of Lifebuoy and explain its use! :)

And yes, stress, definitely stress, poor husbandry, non-existent hygiene and words fail .....

Well BBG is at it again,he,her or both seem to be taking a great delight in the misfortune of the Beekeepers in North Devon.

He told us that his Browser was over Hartland,waiting to show up,why Hartland why not APPLEDORE or FAIRY CROSS or 101 OTHER LOCATIONS IN NORTH DEVON,why do you NOT do, as you have been asked by DANBEE, and SHUT UP.

Any real Beekeeper would not be taking such delight, in the misfortune of the beekeepers in North Devon,you must be adding a great deal of stress on to these beekeepers, your whole tone seems malicious. From your posts it would indicate to anyone,that you have little knowledge of beekeeping [IWOULD GUESS IT AT ABOUT NINE MONTHS ] Any real beekeeper would feel really sorry for any one with EFB.We can all get it YES EVEN YOU BBG

You also attacked a beekeeper and ex Bee Inspector with 40 years beekeeing under his belt,with your wealth of knowledge [9 months ?] why not come forward, to help the beekeepers of North Devon,[not forgetting Hartland] I am sure, that they would all welcome your input.

I would like to wish all the beekeepers with any brood disease and I am sure that I am speaking for all the BEEKS on this Forum,except of course bbg,that they will soon have this problem sorted out,and will be back with the family off beekeepers, enjoying there bees.

BBG, you seem to me, that you are the sort of person, who will soon be telling us all, that you are breeding a new type of BEE,may be one that can walk on water.

Also forum members, have you noticed that BBGs messages ARE SAID TO BE FROM KBS BEES,Well now the only KBS BEES that I know off is the highly respected BEEKEEPER,GENTLMAN AND BEE COMPANY OWNER, PETER KEMBLE.No way would Peter Kemble or his company be party to such malicious messages,so BBG why do you say your messages are from KBS BEES?????????

I have gone on a bit, but do we need this.

Bye all
"Any real beekeeper would feel really sorry for any one with EFB.We can all get it YES EVEN YOU BBG"

I take it this is a threat, though I am well aware of that possibility, hence the reason for the thread.

As you have made this personal and no doubt the subject of gossip as is usual:

None of what I say comes from KBS what is seen is a quote in the signature part of my post, correctly attributed, as many other members have in theirs. I will ask Admin to remove your references.

These Foulbrood incidents are of great sadness to me and if the likelihood foreseen, anger me.

I advised a person NOT to buy a nucleus from a certain source - unfortunately, I have been proven right. That, gives me no satisfaction. But thankfully, that nucleus did not make its way to very close proximity of my bees.

I am supporting people who are desperately worried in case their colonies have become infected.

We, will give nuclei and colonies to them to replace any they lose.

And your contribution is; just this first post or ?

Unlike your malicious and rancorous outburst, there was no attack from me, only a quote.

I first kept bees in 1985

We do not gossip about what we do or where, this pinpoints who has broken trust.

There are two who could have given out the information you have. One, is the Bee inspector, extremely unlikely.

Are you the person we took under our wing, let accompany us on inspections at all our locations, showed you how to handle the bees, lent you a suit, and explained how to proceed. The one we would have been happy to give the bees, led by a Buckfast Queen's daughter, to stock a hive you might have bought. Suggested you went on a course but recommended you didn't buy anything, because we trusted you and wanted to help you get established with bees.

Or have you just broken her trust in you.

You have been sordid enough to use the forum to espouse your venom. Your first post and you joined this month to do it too!
For goodness' sake. It must be thundery out there or something!

If anyone's worried about disease risks from nearby colonies, I'd just avoid buying second-hand equipment in the area, and don't buy nucs or queens from beekeepers whom you think might have a disease problem at their apiary, whether it's in one hive or many. There are plenty of other choices if you need to buy in bees, and it doesn't hurt to occasionally buy new frames and boxes.
Think its the general mood of the country as everyone I have spoken to recently seems to be moaning and feeling fed-up.......weather certainly doesnt help either.
Hey-ho, longest day today,few more months then dark nights, more rain, snow and gales with Christmas just around the corner!
Well BBG is at it again,he,her or both seem to be taking a great delight in the misfortune of the Beekeepers in North Devon.

He told us that his Browser was over Hartland,waiting to show up,why Hartland why not APPLEDORE or FAIRY CROSS or 101 OTHER LOCATIONS IN NORTH DEVON,why do you NOT do, as you have been asked by DANBEE, and SHUT UP.

Any real Beekeeper would not be taking such delight, in the misfortune of the beekeepers in North Devon,you must be adding a great deal of stress on to these beekeepers, your whole tone seems malicious. From your posts it would indicate to anyone,that you have little knowledge of beekeeping [IWOULD GUESS IT AT ABOUT NINE MONTHS ] Any real beekeeper would feel really sorry for any one with EFB.We can all get it YES EVEN YOU BBG

You also attacked a beekeeper and ex Bee Inspector with 40 years beekeeing under his belt,with your wealth of knowledge [9 months ?] why not come forward, to help the beekeepers of North Devon,[not forgetting Hartland] I am sure, that they would all welcome your input.

I would like to wish all the beekeepers with any brood disease and I am sure that I am speaking for all the BEEKS on this Forum,except of course bbg,that they will soon have this problem sorted out,and will be back with the family off beekeepers, enjoying there bees.

BBG, you seem to me, that you are the sort of person, who will soon be telling us all, that you are breeding a new type of BEE,may be one that can walk on water.

Also forum members, have you noticed that BBGs messages ARE SAID TO BE FROM KBS BEES,Well now the only KBS BEES that I know off is the highly respected BEEKEEPER,GENTLMAN AND BEE COMPANY OWNER, PETER KEMBLE.No way would Peter Kemble or his company be party to such malicious messages,so BBG why do you say your messages are from KBS BEES?????????

I have gone on a bit, but do we need this.

Bye all

:iagree: thought it was just me who had an issue with bbg, tone in this thread
Think its the general mood of the country as everyone I have spoken to recently seems to be moaning and feeling fed-up.......weather certainly doesnt help either.
Hey-ho, longest day today,few more months then dark nights, more rain, snow and gales with Christmas just around the corner!

I agree! Jingle bells!
Hey-ho, longest day today

Summer solstice is normally the 21st. Is this year different (I daresay one day either way is neither here nor there, and it is a leap year, so you are likely correct).

Languishing here in a wet Wales - I came upon the BKF. I belive I was also on this course with these two "clowns ". They do not have 9 months experience , the course lasted only 28 hours , of which the attended a mere 2/3 Then walked after problems re- ownership of bees.
That is now long gone , my concern is this new strain of bees ( walking on water , verroa free , nosema free , without tracheal mites , ready for small hive beetle and trapelaelaps , not to mention good tempered and prolific honey producers ).
I would be worried the people the have "slagged off " might retaliate since the road to Hartland passes their front gate. I would be looking for a few square inches of brood comb anywhere in a radius of @ least 2 miles. Though I am fairly sure the people the have such a low opinion of will have far too many principles to retaliate themselves.
BBG just remember in this world....what goes around comes around.
Think its the general mood of the country

I agree........and find it hard to believe I'm routinely paying £2 for a dozen eggs, let alone £1 for a lb of mediocre apples!
Posted on the 20th June: Hey-ho, longest day today

Posted as news on the 21st June: Poor weather could not dampen the spirits of 14,500 people who welcomed the sun at Stonehenge at dawn this morning.

The annual pagan celebration of the sun, on the longest day of the year, centred on the famous prehistoric monument where the event was marked with religious ceremonies.

So it seems that the druids still stuck to the 21st as the longest day (and it wasn't challenged by the reporter). I have a calender which says 'First day of summer' on the 20th. Looking at the weather, I am tending to disbelieve it.
O90O, I think the science says it's the first day of summer...pragmatically and practically things may differ slightly. Mind you, the definition of the first day of summer is a little arbitrary, don't you think?

Posted on the 20th June: Hey-ho, longest day today

Posted as news on the 21st June: Poor weather could not dampen the spirits of 14,500 people who welcomed the sun at Stonehenge at dawn this morning.

The annual pagan celebration of the sun, on the longest day of the year, centred on the famous prehistoric monument where the event was marked with religious ceremonies.

So it seems that the druids still stuck to the 21st as the longest day (and it wasn't challenged by the reporter). I have a calender which says 'First day of summer' on the 20th. Looking at the weather, I am tending to disbelieve it.
I thought it was when the clocks changed, in March.
"British Summer Time begins" - that's what it says in my diary :)
There is a great button, very useful on the User CP page - it is called the IGNORE button...it can come in useful...
must have missed something here - though it would be a useful thread- as a relatively new beekeeper and new-ish to the forum, I am not impressed with the debate here. There is an outbreak of a disease and rather than learn something useful about what I should be doing in case it gets as far as Somerset all I get this rubbish - sorry guys grow up, leave your squabbling to PMs

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