UK Economy!!!

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Field Bee
Oct 3, 2010
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Normal for Norfolk.
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Ok here's an idea.
We take all the profits and bonuses from the banks and emplyees and pay off this countries deficit.
After all, it was there greed that put us where we are today !!!

I think you need to establish some facts first. The Bank bonuses are insufficient on their own (£25- £35 billion gross)to meet our annual deficit (£140 billion plus) - let alone pay off the accumulated debt built up by years of overspending... (£800 billion plus).
Just like your credit card statement. They can pay the minimum or extend it over a longer period.
Here's a question, is there any one of you out there that caused this countries £800 billion debt? I doubt it...
Or was it the banks?

Ok here's an idea.

After all, it was there greed that put us where we are today !!!


NO! It was the greed of the people taking out the loans, credit cards and mortgages that they could not afford.

The question we should be asking is should we be sending £200 billion + to a contry that in reality is growing faster than ours? (India)

Oh and while I am on a roll...job seekers max 6 months, child benfit for first child only, no housing benift for single parents, benifits should never pay more than minimum wage. Those that are on job seekers and sickness benift should be made to do work. (even some that can not walk can still lick stamps!)

NO! It was the greed of the people taking out the loans, credit cards and mortgages that they could not afford.

The question we should be asking is should we be sending £200 billion + to a contry that in reality is growing faster than ours? (India)

Oh and while I am on a roll...job seekers max 6 months, child benfit for first child only, no housing benift for single parents, benifits should never pay more than minimum wage. Those that are on job seekers and sickness benift should be made to do work. (even some that can not walk can still lick stamps!)

Now I see why some would like Yorkshire to become an independant country... like Iceland ?:gnorsi:
(even some that can not walk can still lick stamps!)

I like that bit, they can lick their way into old age and a pension. Is that what your saying?

stop blaming the banks!

We all like to pick on the banks (I am playing devils advocate here a little) but we need to stop. Our manufacturing base is small, financial sector big. Our manufacturing base went abroad (cheaper, less unionised and greater productivity) Do we want the same to happen to the financial sector? The banks need to pay big bonuses to attract the best. If they are penalised too harshly they will simply up sticks and move (I know for a fact several banks are considering this). What would you do? Accept a low bonus here or up sticks and go work in Asia or India or the US and get a BIG bonus? I didn't hear anyone complaining when the financial sector was funding our obese welfare state. Do some research and see how much tax revenue our previous government took form the financial sector. If the financial sector goes what do we have left? We can't go on washing each others washing!
When the far east has grown rich and Europe has become poor the jobs will come back here as the rich asians will be looking for a peasant economy to do its cheap labour.
Personally I have always been a poor peasant and will probably remain so........... or I could become an Estate Agent!
The village school close to me was bought by a 22yr old guy. He has spent just over a million rebuilding and extending it. A thanks to a 1.5 million pound bonus he recieved two years ago, just before the banks crashed.
Will he have to give up his home, hell no, but in the mean time, we will still be paying for it.
How much did you earn in bonuses and if you left your company or any other company, do you not think that someone would be waiting to fill your shoes?

The village school close to me was bought by a 22yr old guy. He has spent just over a million rebuilding and extending it. A thanks to a 1.5 million pound bonus he recieved two years ago, just before the banks crashed.
Will he have to give up his home, hell no, but in the mean time, we will still be paying for it.
How much did you earn in bonuses and if you left your company or any other company, do you not think that someone would be waiting to fill your shoes?


Unfortunatley it is all relative, bonus's are not paid willy nilly, the lad probably earnt his company 10-20 times that of his bonus, in profit and unfortunatley guys like that are not easily replaced so have to be paid huge sums of money to stay where they are, else, as has been already pointed out they will go to another country and set up and be paid even more money thus taking away Britains last major 'industry' (yes i know it's not technically an industry but we are no longer a primary producer, barely a major secondary producer, so intellectual property is now our mainstay)

The root of the problem was poor regulation. The government of the day was happy to take all the tax the banks were paying so that it could be spent on it's pet dogmas. In the meantime they allowed credit to run away, meaning the population felt good and re-elected them. Now being sorted out despite the daily whingeing from our national broadcaster.

Time we put a positive slant on all that is good in this country.
Cuba/China or Russia?

Yes the banks make money, people are paid bonuses and economies rise and fall. That my friends is capitalism. There are plenty of flights elsewhere, choose any communist country (though lets be honest, there really isn't one, if there was the world may be a better place but people always interpret marxism incorrectly).

So a young man (22) has done well for himself, bought an old school and done it up. So he now owns a nice house or has sold it as flats to house others (and we have a shortage of houses). Perhaps he could have bought some land on greenbelt (not brownfield as he clearly has done) and destroyed some countryside. Or he could have just not bothered and let the old school building fall into disrepair, which I am sure no one would have wanted. For goodness sake, what is wrong with people earning money and doing well for themselves. This is where we fall down. Let people do well for themselves or join the communists...before you opt for the latter I would urge you to consider reading Animal Farm by George Orwell. I do not earn a bonus as I work for the state and I am only too aware of the present situation seeing both colleagues lose their jobs others waiting to see if they will have one. Perhaps if the previous government had not messed with the RPI and CPI, or recruited huge numbers into the state (clearly to fudge unemployment figures) then things may not be as bad. This would have affected inflation rates and interest rates etc, very multi-faceted. This present problem is a global matter and not due to a few bonuses paid to bankers. However, times are bad but will improve as they always have doen and will do again. Roll on the next boom and bust...I wonder who we'll blame then?
big society missed opportunity

the banks in italy have to donate a significant proportion of profits (possibly 50%) to charitable foundations.

hence many public events show a large number of bank sponsors and cities like sienna get renovated (all works part funded by banca monte paschi di sienna).
"For goodness sake, what is wrong with people earning money and doing well for themselves."

Nothing what so ever, but when these people make wreckless choices to make that money, which then takes everyone in the country, to pay for those poor choices, in one form or another for some years to come.
They should be more accountable, they caused the problem, they should be doing more to fix it.
Not just sweep it all under the carpet and carry on as if nothing happened.
It just makes my blood boil....

They should be more accountable, they caused the problem, they should be doing more to fix it.
Not just sweep it all under the carpet and carry on as if nothing happened.
It just makes my blood boil....


Agreed. Lets jail a few bankers. Their defence will be : what we did was legal (true) and the bank regulators knew what we were doing (true). So it's not our fault.

Under Human Rights Legislation, they would win.

Lets jail a few regulators - specifically the SFA.. Their argument will be their actions were endorsed by the Chancellor of the Exchequer who approved of what they were doing. (true). So it's not the SFA's fault.

Under Human Rights Legislation, they would win

Lets jail the Chancellor . That was Mr Darling. His argument will be the Prime Minister Gordon Brown knew and approved of what he was doing (true). So it's not his fault.

Under Human Rights Legislation, he would win

Lets jail Gordon Brown .. Don't be silly. He and Tony Blair passed the Human Rights Legislation so that politicians would never be held accountable for anything and so lawyers could make lots of money at the taxpayers' expense..

And if you think I jest see the enquiry into the Iraq war. The evidence points to Mr Blair lying and going to war on a whim. Does anyone seriously believe he will be blamed. Or tried by Parliament for treason and if guilty sent to the Tower and executed... which is what he deserves if found guilty?
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What have we learned in 2,064 years?

"The budget should be balanced, the Treasury should be refilled,
public debt should be reduced, the arrogance of officialdom should be
tempered and controlled, and the assistance to foreign lands should
be curtailed lest Rome become bankrupt. People must again learn to
work, instead of living on public assistance."

- Cicero - 55 BC

Evidently nothing.....

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