'tis official - summer's here

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Drone Bee
Jan 20, 2014
Reaction score
Bont, near Swansea
Hive Type
Number of Hives
more than before
Summer has arrived on the backs of the swifts. They announced their arrival on a screeching flypast between my two neighbours houses!! Notwithstanding the saying about swallows; for me, swifts herald the summer. (Hard to believe out in the soft drizzle!)
Ooh, they must have taken a short cut here, it was about 5.45 this morning when I was putting the rubbish out!! Since I posted, wind has got up too... :(
Brings back memories of patrolling the SW approaches - often, at springtime when making back for port at dawn we would be overtaken by small groups of the first waves of summer visitors, sometimes saddened by seeing the odd straggler limp to within a few cables of land and crash, exhausted into the waves
Spotted them five days ago. Wonderful birds.
Although we are a few miles from town swifts do hunt in our skies so husband has put up a swift box in the eaves and I have "Swift Call" to set up on the iPod and speakers......good job we have no neighbours.
They are gone by mid July; scything through the air screeching in numbers one day and gone the next. Hope summer stays a bit longer.
Bloody hell....for once North Yorkshire is ahead of the game. Swifts and Swallows on the Vales about 2 weeks ago, but first swallows on the higher moors arrived yesterday, flying around my garage looking for a nesting site.
First cuckoo though was Tuesday this week.
Summer may well be here but am confused as to why a live broadcast from London at 9.00pm is showing it to be daylight and in Norwich its dark, and has been so for nealry 30 mins.
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Summer may well be here but am confused as to why a live broadcast from London at 9.00pm is showing it to be daylight and in Norwich its dark, and has been so for nealry 30 mins.

Oddly enough ... it was dark on the South Coast as well ... about 70 miles further SOUTH than London ... Sun shines on the righteous ?

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