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Maybe the OP should eat some!
Maybe I should. removed another b@#$#%d tick last night! I can only think that because it been hot, I've been wearing a ventilated mesh suit and that they are small enough to get through, or at least get caught in the mesh. I've got some jungle formula to hand so will try this out before next visits to see if this helps, if just annoys the bees or I am truly a tick magnet ;)
No wasps at all up here. Plenty Queen wasps earlier in the year so the bad weather must have ruined their early season activities.
Every cloud... and all that
K ;)
Maybe I should. removed another b@#$#%d tick last night! I can only think that because it been hot, I've been wearing a ventilated mesh suit and that they are small enough to get through, or at least get caught in the mesh. I've got some jungle formula to hand so will try this out before next visits to see if this helps, if just annoys the bees or I am truly a tick magnet ;)
I'd be very careful using Deet on your mesh suit - it melts plastic!!
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I saw quite a few queen hornets earlier in the year, but I've not seen any flying for a few weeks now. No wasps either.

Old hand at tick removal from animals. Once removed area gets an alcohol wash and then antibacterial cream. Feels like tick season started earlier on animals this year (March), maybe with the mild winter?

Funny thing is, as a child I wandered the countryside and fished locally for most of the summer. Never saw a tick
Ditto but in Banffshire Scotland.. Caught rabbits, etc but never saw a tick

Saw three wasps near hives yesterday
Just a few wasps beginning to appear, maybe they are just late. Usually, we get masses because of the soft banks and thicket cover, and the smaller variety have demolished small colonies, as they get into the hives easily, even with reduced entrances. Annual battle....

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