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Beekeeping & Apiculture Forum

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Bee Smith

New Bee
Nov 24, 2013
Reaction score
Hive Type
Thougth I might learn something here but the place seams to be dominated by a loonie tune character who loves the sound of his own voice so much that he insists on repeeting everything in case somebody missed it the first time around.
Thougth I might learn something here but the place seams to be dominated by a loonie tune character who loves the sound of his own voice so much that he insists on repeeting everything in case somebody missed it the first time around.

Hang around ! You will!

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
yes, we have a couple of those, but many others who are happy to help, so don't give up
Thougth I might learn something here but the place seams to be dominated by a loonie tune character who loves the sound of his own voice so much that he insists on repeeting everything in case somebody missed it the first time around.

Good of you to introduce yourself so well to us all.
"Thougth I might learn something here but the place seams to be dominated by a loonie tune character who loves the sound of his own voice so much that he insists on repeeting everything in case somebody missed it the first time around."

Which one would that be?
Thougth I might learn something here but the place seams to be dominated by a loonie tune character who loves the sound of his own voice so much that he insists on repeeting everything in case somebody missed it the first time around.

Welcome BS .... perhaps you would like to tell us a bit about yourself and your sort of beekeeping ... whereabouts in the UK are you ?

The forum is a very useful tool ... you can search back through the archives to some very interesting threads ... it's not all about beekeeping in Finland. You will find lots of helpful people lurking in the shadows.


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