The Weather

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Not been there often, but i found it to be a cold grey uninviting sort of place,even a kind of hostile feel about it in general, what you get used to i hillbilly.

Stayed there quite a while when I was with the national Youth theatre - set my thinking for the rest of my life (years ago I turned down instant and almost meteoric promotion as it meant living once again in the smoke)
My brother lives there and doesn't get offended when I turn down invites to stay as he knows how much i hate the place - i especially hate blowing my nose and the hankie looks like I've done a double shift underground!!
I think the icing on the cake for him is when I almost punched a bloke on the underground for pushing me to one side as he was in a hurry to save 30 seconds (well, it was a home office approved take-down so I counldn't have been arrested for it :D)
Just looked at the 5-day forecast - it looks as if 'life as we know it' will resume on Thursday with 9 degrees predicted - here's hoping. Much work to be done outdoors.
Had a nice snow shower at lunch time for about an hour, ground to wet for it to settle though, just more water to add to the already saturated ground.
30% would put up the poster, 30% would kill it and/or eat it. 30% would try to get the garden defined as an area of Special Scientific Interest and the last 10% would be to drugged up to notice it at all

...we must be neighbours!
Bought some bare root fruit trees from aldi £3.99 each (a bargain) but just waiting for a break in the weather and work to get them planted it is looking like I will have to get them in a pot lol
Just heel them in altogether until weather suitable for planting!
agree in the most part. London still works on it old village centers just like the coutnryside, just the fields now grow houses instead of cattle and Trees

if you wander out of your safe village location ,you dont know the safe areas and it can be threatening as it is so large .

i can take you tranquil parks with ladies playing bowls and mums and toddlers taking tea, yet 10 minutes drive away with no apparent boundaries in some areas you would not find a person with English as a first language and other areas where crack cocaine and herion are openly on sale in parks that look identical to the one near me

I lived just off the Portabello Road in the 80's for 10 years and loved it, give me Somerset every time now though, London's the place to be young and fancy free, I'm just an old beekeeper these days.
To get back to the weather it's snowing and cold but don't think it'll pitch
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Hi LJ,
Same thoughts here. Thursday it is. Hope to see some bee activity as my semi has decapped some more stores both ends. My garden still has a lot of snow though which is a bit of a worry.
Hope those that are feeding pp keep it going, or there may be a lot of brood removed if they cannot get enough pollen, another wave of freezing weather and snow next week.
Hope those that are feeding pp keep it going, or there may be a lot of brood removed if they cannot get enough pollen, another wave of freezing weather and snow next week.

yes it looks rather cold on the European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts (ECMWF) temperature maps...sort of a lot of blue descending from Finmans area by mid week
According to BBC weather forcast it is coming in by monday, starting with Scotland on sunday and heading south.

Well, come 2015, that will all change, if the Scots vote for independence.

Cameron will refuse to let their cold wet weather into England and Wales and it will all be sunshine and huge honey harvests.

