The "Hobby" Beekeeper

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May 29, 2010
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3 National Hives & 1 Observation Hive.(Indoors) & lots of empty boxes..
Is there a point at which the number of hives you have makes you feel that you are not (or no longer) a hobby beekeeper doing it just for something to do?

If as a hobbyist you sell honey, does that make it a part of your profession? (on the grounds that "Profession" means you get paid for it, not that you are expert at it.) or is the income from sales just a bit to cover your costs.
Well personally I never considered myself a hobby beekeeper, even when I got my first bees. It was about moving towards some sort of self-sufficiency.
The Bee Farmers won't take you seriously until you have 40+ colonies.
That also takes you off the standard BDI scale.
As far as HMRC are concerned, it has already been posted that any intention to make a profit constitutes a business rather than a hobby.
Hobbies can be obsessive while still a hobby!
You could keep them for professional research purposes, which would be outside the "hobby" category but not connected with the number of hives.

For the purposes of non beekeeping members of the family reading this, covering costs is not far off. Ahem...

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