The bbka forum - abuse is officially sanctioned

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I can't answer for what happens on other fora, especially one that I don't use or visit, but being admin on another (totally unrelated) forum, I can say that keeping warring factions apart can at times try the patience of a heaven full of saints - and often you're "damned if you do, damned if you don't".
As I said, I'm not party to what's gone on, but applying my "what would I do?" to what you've said, I'd "walk" and leave the forum and it's denizens to their own devices - if you deem it to be unfairly managed, and bullying is allowed, I wouldn't dignify it with any further contact........
I fail to see what anything that happens on another forum is of interest to us on here.

If you feel you have been damaged by what has occurred then consult your solicitor.

Talking of which one might be inclined to be careful in bandying other peoples nicks around in a derogatory manner lest they consult theirs.

Why do online arguments become so fierce and extreme that people go to these lengths to make/prove a point?! It's only the internet, it's just a forum, and it shouldn't eat up your life and energy to this extent! Go for a walk in The Great Outdoors and clear your head.

Take it easy Graham!!

This was heartily supported by Gavin Ramsay and Jon of Belfast - who are keen to see all references to the current pesticide scandal removed asap.

As usual, wrong, wrong, wrong. I welcome the fact that you put your views up there for discussion. The debate may get heated, but it is good to have them discussed openly.

No-one is trying to force you off that or any other forum, but by spamming that post across the entire site (in 9 places) it would take a saint to avoid giving you an instant ban. I have urged that they don't.

The truth is that you have always turned quickly to abuse when challenged, and no-one that I know has complained about that but just tried to continue the debate. You really need to take a good look at yourself.


There is no point in discussing on here what has happened else where.

It is very poor board manners and practice and I for one urge the both of you to stop this please.

If you want to have a private row about another site then please conduct it in pm on that site not in public on here.


There is no point in discussing on here what has happened else where.

It is very poor board manners and practice and I for one urge the both of you to stop this please.

If you want to have a private row about another site then please conduct it in pm on that site not in public on here.



There is no point in discussing on here what has happened else where.

It is very poor board manners and practice and I for one urge the both of you to stop this please.

If you want to have a private row about another site then please conduct it in pm on that site not in public on here.

Well said :iagree:

John W.
Why do online arguments become so fierce and extreme that people go to these lengths to make/prove a point?! It's only the internet, it's just a forum, and it shouldn't eat up your life and energy to this extent! Go for a walk in The Great Outdoors and clear your head.


I agree .... but to give a view (as you requested) ....

Sadly I think it happens because:
  1. You aren't having a real time 'conversation with someone'
  2. Because there isn't an immediate response or alternative view point to consider you can build and develop your own argument without checks and balances (well nothing more than self imposed ones)
  3. You may not know the individual so some traditional 'courtesy' or 'social' disciplines may be lost
  4. You are tapping to a screen not talking to a person
  5. Views are expressed and based simply on what it written not on what is known, worse some posters 'assume' they know what is 'known' - even worse.
  6. In summary passion can get ahead of logic in a forum debate scenario.
Not condoning it, just thinking about how it can happen. Sad either way, but given human nature, not entirely avoidable either. R

Now, have we fallen into that trap? Have I given an answer to what was actually a rhetorical question?????????
BB is being disingenous. He posted an open letter to Roger Patterson on the BBKA Forum on 26 Jan and Roger replied the same day. I thought Roger's reply was very fair. If anyone can't find any wet paint to look at instead (being more interesting) they could have a look on the other forum for the Open Letter. It puts BB's post at the start of this thread in an interesting light. Complain, get a reply, ignore reply, complain again - in the case of the BBKA Forum with 9 identical posts all made within a couple of minutes of each other. Have a peek. BB has lost the plot. I am sorry for him.

Unless of course he is trying to get himself banned so he can claim discrimination.
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At least post the abuse so 1 can read ? I would have just abused them back 10 fold Hahahaha:sifone:
Its great to see members moderating themselves and being sensible.

I am sure a few members have bitten their tongue on this thread from both sides.

Well done everyone :cheers2:

There is no point in discussing on here what has happened else where.

It is very poor board manners and practice and I for one urge the both of you to stop this please.

If you want to have a private row about another site then please conduct it in pm on that site not in public on here.


thanks for a very good post, PH. it sums up my feelings very well.:iagree:
Guys and Gals

It is really great that this site has grown up and isn't the same 'bash the other side' place it used to be. I welcome that.

If you care to look at my post above:

you will see that I am directing my response to Graham's accusation - naming me personally - that I want to see all pesticide references removed asap. He pasted that all over the other place before coming here with it. For anyone saying that he shouldn't have done that, I agree. It was impolite and unnecessary. Rooftops has explained how silly his actions were, and I agree. But my post here was in large part to correct his accusation of my motives. I don't want his pesticide accusations removed from anywhere, as I much prefer these things to be debated in the open. And in the right place, which isn't this area of the forum.

PH - on the other thread - I can assure you that there is a deal of annoyance at his email spamming of beekeeping associations north of the border.

So if someone accuses me of something that I think is wrong, I will argue. In this case he has asked for the post to be pulled so those of you coming late will have missed the post at the centre of this.

Now then, anyone for beekeeping discussions?

Why do online arguments become so fierce and extreme that people go to these lengths to make/prove a point?! It's only the internet, it's just a forum, and it shouldn't eat up your life and energy to this extent! Go for a walk in The Great Outdoors and clear your head.


It's because they know they will (almost certainly) not meet in real life and wouldn't dream of doing so if there was a possibility someone might take umbrage and thump them. Or just look them in the eye.

Doesn't apply to me, nor, I'm sure, others like Brosville, but most people wouldn't enter into fierce debate because they 'don't like confrontation'.

There is no point in discussing on here what has happened else where.

It is very poor board manners and practice and I for one urge the both of you to stop this please.

If you want to have a private row about another site then please conduct it in pm on that site not in public on here.


Its great to see members moderating themselves and being sensible.

I am sure a few members have bitten their tongue on this thread from both sides. :

Whoops, my toungue's gone.

He's gone mad

Silly boy.

Can we just put this to bed please.

What happens elsewhere belongs in/on that where. NOT here.


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