The worst aspect FMPOV is that beginners are being seduced.
I have noticed that as well, both on the bee forums and at local BKA meetings.
I have nothing against top bar beekeeping but I don't think it is the easiest place to start beekeeping.
Where do you get a test frame from?
How do you move a colony easily if it becomes vicious and a threat to neighbours?
Swarm control while possible is not as easy.
What also worries me a little about top bar beekeeping is the baggage which goes with it such as a total rejection of current best practice with regard to varroa control which is replaced by a dependence on more esoteric forms of treatment with varying degrees of efficiency.
It has also taken on the characteristics of a religion with a reluctance amongst devotees to have any of the basic tenets challenged at all.
There is also an assumption that it is more natural which I have to raise an eyebrow at as most bees prefer to work vertically rather than horizontally.
I think that once you "keep" bees, the natural argument becomes spurious.
Having said that, I think there is a place for it and I think there is a lot of unfair knocking. It has to be said that a lot of this is brought on by the petulant attitude of some of the more vocal top bar people. To some extent I think the movement has been hijacked by people with a more radical agenda.