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Had a call for a swarm in York, too far for me so advised her to check with local association and / or the big association!
Just back from a call.

Huge swarm, easy access, straight into a Nuk.

Stood watching them spiral down and start working.

Then they all streamed out again and disappeared. :(
Huge swarms don't like nucs...... Not enough room for future development......try a bb next time!
One nuke in the van, the bigger one in store at home. :(

Now I'll carry them both.
First swarm for me today and I think one other hive might have tried but no sign of the result. Made quite a few nucs and splits as well. Busy up here now with the weather, espect the week to be busy....
I have a small apiary with four hives in an old orchard. They all swarmed within 24 hours - primarily due to the fact that it was the first sunny day for weeks.

However, that does not explain why we have currently pulled out 8(!) other swarms with another one arriving today. There are no other apiaries for at least a mile...

Still at least I've managed to supply a good chunk of our associations swarm list on my own!!!
it began down south in north london a month agobee-smillie

yep i know i have run out of Nuc boxes...6 frame 14x12 and commercials are ok as about same size as a national hive

had a call to our association's apiary at 7:30 tonight while i was in Tescos

think it is one i was helping do a bailey change on ....oopps two days overdue inspection...just did not get around to looking in time...it was only on the 12th we put the QEx between the boxes..gambled and got caught out
I've had four in the past week or two. Three in compost bins and one in a roof space. Think I've successfully managed to persuade them all to leave well alone though hopefully. :)

I had 3 calls last week.

1 in compost bin, the other 2 in bird nest boxes.

Managed to persuade all that they should just be left alone. People just need telling a bit about the bees and some reassurance and then they are happy!
here's the one I took Saturday, spotted it while driving to do the shopping :D

A call this morning early (from a site where I collected a varroa-ridden caste a week ago). Ex-beekeeper...dragged my heels as forty mile round trip for a small cast not worth it: they had moved on by 2. Couldn't get hold of nearer beekeepers.

Next up, bees swarming round a gable end: moved in by the time we got there. Occupants advised - not likely more than a cast and no easy way to get them out. His father used to keep bees.

Then...as we (me and 10yo) were heading home - took another two calls. First were persistant scout bees. Advised.

Next was from the couple we have an autumn honey order from as wedding favours. Scouts round their chimney (bungalow :)). Advised.

Last up....swarm 8 foot up a tree on a very whippy branch on the way home. In the gathering dark. Skepped aided by a collection of inspection lights. Prime. Result.

One prime. One lot of diesel money. Home at 12.20. Going to be one very tired junior beekeeper tomorrow. And me.
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Got a swarm yesterday evening from a field at an outdoor area for camping owned by the scouts. Apparently had been around for a week or so, but very obliging and not grumpy.
Split into three groups, I fear these will be a reasonable sized cast, but not impossible could be two casts as the groups were in different places and their behaviour suggested the presence of a queen. We'll see.

Lovely spot, mind. Several acres of grass fields, some wood and surrounded by mature trees.

Only thing was extended my working day past midnight as I had copy to file. Bah.






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I too took a very large prime swarm from another bee keepers garden, they just didnt want them. Housed in a national brood, put QE between brood and floor and moved them back to mine late last night. Hoping they will stay as very large amount of bees, will feed tomorrow evening. Did consider my national brood to be too small for them but its all I had in the van, have slipped a 14 x 12 in this morning along with 4 nuc's as I have a feeling this could be a busy week
Pete D

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