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Hi Guys,
Excuse my ignorance but when does the £10 Cashback show in the transaction!!
No problem not everyone is clued up on cashback, don't forget to use for all your online purchases and check that your insurance is the best deal, they don't reward loyalty.

I assume you joined topcashback first then opened your tesco account.
The £10 being a deferred payment so will show up usually in 48 hrs and paid about a month or so later.

Just delivered - got a refund on one damaged bag which they left with me anyway!

dunno yet - one 2kg bag - will check bank account 2morrow
Did your delivery guy make any comments about the unusual sugar deliveries?
They're delivering to a friend and I tomorrow 8 - 10 slot. 84 bags, luckerly Mrs R will be in London till Friday giving me chanch to secret it away.
Did your delivery guy make any comments about the unusual sugar deliveries?
They're delivering to a friend and I tomorrow 8 - 10 slot. 84 bags, luckerly Mrs R will be in London till Friday giving me chanch to secret it away.

The chap assumed I was brewing beer!

Just got an email - a credit for £1.20 for the damaged bag - result!

These forums are brilliant!

great thread

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Her indoors is up in arms!

Thanks for the tip, saved loads of money, only problem is the wife wants to know where I am going to store it!:smash::smash:
Sugar just dropped off mixture of 1 & 2 kg bags there was some spillage on vans floor, the very nice driver credited 1 bag even though none seemed split. Thankfully 45 bags does not take up to much room so not too difficult to hide away from you know who.

Just got my sugar none busted but he left 5 trays with the sugar in. they will come in handy for collecting the veg out of my veg patch lol
Now what do they "every little helps" thank you Tesco :cheers2:

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