Sugar Prices

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Plus car costs when you pick the stuff. You really can buy Sugar from supermarket as well.

Yup, 2k bags at Morrisons 99p. I know that's not as cheap as some, but the 2K bags are handy, and SWMBO only sees 4 bags of sugar not 8.
Plus car costs when you pick the stuff. You really can buy Sugar from supermarket as well.

Spot on.
Nearest Booker, Costco etc is a 50 mile round trip for me.
Fine if they are just next door to you, but not worth travelling to.
Not today or tomorrow... as Lidl is currently charging 39p per kilo. Usually 49p

Have you got a link to a cost comparison site that included Lidl and Aldi ?

I have got through ( well bees have) 200 gallons of invert... and may well be buying in sugar to top up!
All thymolated as per Hivemaker's recipe using IPA and LECITHIN against Nosema!!!

OMG those Italians are greedy !

Yeghes da
Been that price in farm foods for months, got mine from booker, they selling to 25kg bags for 21 quid that's 42p a kilo
Just been to Farm Foods to stock up today, last week 39p kg today 49p kg! inflation's supposed to be at zero! Cap, coat, hat, bunker etc!
bookers price until end of November now so no rush there.
This is what a 100 x 1kg bags of Lidl's sugar looked like today in the boot of my car.

Comment from checkout girl...."yet another beekeeper".
Seems they are flocking in.
100kg of sugar for 55euro
This is what a 100 x 1kg bags of Lidl's sugar looked like today in the boot of my car.

Comment from checkout girl...."yet another beekeeper".
Seems they are flocking in.

Next time put them into some cardboard boxes. You may get boxes even often from Lidl
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I paid 39p yesterday at Lidl's. I don't know whether to stock up for next year at that price.
I'm flattered that people think I need boxes for my sugar.
It's fine guys, I can live without them.
I paid 39p yesterday at Lidl's. I don't know whether to stock up for next year at that price.

It's all due to EC overproduction and sanctions on Russia so no exports to them.
Will EC reduce subsidies to farmers to cut production? (Do pigs fly?)
Will Russia withdraw support from Ukraine rebels -cause of sanctions. (Do elephants fly?)
suggests lower yet..

(I really have no idea but suggest if current policy continues, 25p/kg looks feasible.Chart on page 5 suggests sugar price is going to make new lows..)