Stainless Steel Varroa Mesh

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I think its usual to have 2.47mm square holes/mesh as the optimum size - prevents most things from entering/exiting but allows mites to fall through. What can go through 4mm square holes ?
Can wax moth not get through normal varroa mesh?

Ah man :-(

Wax moth usually enter by the front entrance and I think even the lesser wax moth at 1/2inch long would struggle to get through a 4mm mesh hole.
Hi everyone,

I bought this mesh from ebay
It's really strong but with 4mm apertures it looks a bit big for varroa mesh.

What are the thoughts on this? Will it do as varroa mesh for the tunnel entrance floors I have made?

The expanded type that thornes sell will allow certain Wasps to gain entry, believe it or not. I once stored some frames in a box over a sealed floor, only to find loads of them in there when I opened it. Because of that I would be wary of 4mm mesh.
OK guys thanks for that. Which of these two would you go for?

I had a quick look online and found the largest varroa dimension to be 1.2mm. Is there any reason why I should avoid the 1.98mm mesh?

I use 2.5mm on all my homemade floors with no issues so i think that top link at 2.47mm should do the previously mentioned i would be worried about wasps sneaking in..bees can get through a 4.5mm gap and some of those worker wasps are a bit slimmer than a bee.
4mm certainly wasps as not all nests have the same size residents, last year I had nest in a compo bin and the little buggers were well little. I had three hives within 8 ft of them but no bother at all.

Look for 8 mesh size.

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