Spring wasp

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Jul 11, 2009
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Well dispite my preying about the bonuses of a hard winter have just seen the first wasp of the year!
I've seen a few already this year in the house!! but think they were up the chimney and me lighting a fire woke it up !!
hope you squished it!!

Trying to complete a long and very boring report trying to justify the impacts on wildlife of yet another stupid and un-needed housing scheme and associated infrastructure.
When first seen I thought it was one of my ladies come to see what I was up to.......instead it was a bxxxd wasp on the other side of the glass window come to torment me and out of reach of my ruler.....!
Distraction therapy was good though :)
I've seen a butterfly twice in the past 3 days - probably the same one - lovely yellow colour - the weather may be starting to turn at last

'Orange tip' is usually one of the first to be seen (April -May) and is sometimes noted as being yellow.
I saw one on my windowsill that was one of last years last week. It was huge. I think they keep growing until they die.
Heads up everyone

Any wasps or hornets you see at this time of year up until about mid May will be QUEENS so everyone zapped now means a whole nest full less in August.

The queen builds a small nest and raises small numbers of workers at a time and is actively feeding them until their numbers are sufficient to sustain the nest (mid May) she then remains in the nest and concentrates on laying.

My traps are all deployed and baited - good hunting :cheers2: Mike
One less in Kent...I found it hiding underneath the felt roof of our old dovecote back in Feb. tryng to escape the flames of the very BIG bonfire!
Two bumbles seen at the weekend.
The bright yellow butterflies are probably Brimstones (Gonepterix rhamni) which overwinters, normally in Ivy and Holly.

The image is of one seen behind SHMBO's hives on Sunday.