Soft set - slow to set

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New Bee
May 20, 2020
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For the first time my hives were in striking distance of OSR, harvested ok. Went solid in the buckets v quickly with a lovely fine crystal consistency. I normally seed for soft set but figured it was pointless due to the consistency. So went with stirring with corkscrew over several days. Jarred up once happy with it..but two weeks in it's still not set. Emptied the beer fridge for the second week and set at 14/15C it's thickened up but still a way to go. Is this normal for OSR?
I have batches that definitely set and others that still retain a very slow pouring consistency.
They sell equally well.
For the first time my hives were in striking distance of OSR, harvested ok. Went solid in the buckets v quickly with a lovely fine crystal consistency. I normally seed for soft set but figured it was pointless due to the consistency. So went with stirring with corkscrew over several days. Jarred up once happy with it..but two weeks in it's still not set. Emptied the beer fridge for the second week and set at 14/15C it's thickened up but still a way to go. Is this normal for OSR?
I delivered 50 jars to my local shop this morning, it’s firn but not fully set. It’s been a week in a cool box at temperatures between 10 & 15deg and not quite got the crystallisation but the shop was.desperate!
you sometimes get honey that never fully sets, I have a dozen or so still in the store shed (always cool enough in there for soft set, even in the summer)from last year's Royal Welsh and it still hasn't set fully
I would be happy with set honey that remained as soft set.

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