Bridge cottage gas vap.

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Aug 18, 2013
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Hi I have been using the bridge cottage gas vap for 2 seasons and the gas gun has stopped working. I only have 14 hives and a few nucs so not had loads of use. what is the experience of this piece of equipment? I am thinking of buying a new gas gun but im not sure that its the way the vap fitting fits on the end of the gas torch thats causing the problem or if it was the gas gun that wasn't up to the job.
thanks in advance.
Quick question, as this is such a cheap option I have been tempted to give it a try. Does it generate too much heat for the hive, especially poly?
I had repeated problems with the little blow torches. They either weren't refilling properly, or they were leaking gas between uses.
Instead I bought a blow torch that goes directly on the gas can, but is the right size to fit the GasVap:
Butane cans:

Much easier and so far completely reliable after a couple of years use.
Thanks for the reply wasn't sure if I would be throwing good money after bad but if the gas torch you use works ok then I will giuve it a go.
Quick question, as this is such a cheap option I have been tempted to give it a try. Does it generate too much heat for the hive, especially poly?
Yes ... if you turn it up too high the GasVap gets far too hot, they work fine but a quick blast to get the torch up to heat and then turn it right down. You don't need a lot of heat to get the OA to vapourise.

The small cooks torches are OK but again, you don't need to have them up full - if they get too hot it will burn out the igniter and they won't light with the piezo.

Some people have had some success drilling a couple of holes at the base of the tube on the GasVap that you attach the blow torch to .. it seems to solve some of the problems with overheating and the torch flame going out.