Last year I added a second brood chamber to avoid overcrowding/ lack of laying space in my hive. (I had already had one swarm). The consequence of that was the bees had no interest in the super but did store enough honey in the brood chambers to last through the winter without any supplemental feeding. When I opened the hive in January to varroa treat the colony was down to three frames in the lower box and the upper brood chamber had honey stores intact as they were last September. As the colony started to revive in mid April I took out all the empty frames and condensed the brood chamber into one box. The following week I had a dozen swarm cells about an inch long at the foot of the frames. I put the second chamber back, divided the frames between boxes and filled in with empty frames. I also put a super on top. On the following two inspections there were possible queen cells which I removed but today I had two definite swarm cells. The top box is loaded with honey stores and nothing in the super. The queen was laying in the bottom box when I inspected this morning. I am wondering if I should just let the bees swarm if that is what they want to do and accept a second year of no produce.