Rough atempt at oxalic Vaporization box

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I thought OA vapour is lighter than air, so the vapouriser should be slid in the entrance?
Going by the you tube clip, you have made it for summer time or early autumn use, is that correct? plus the eke in the clip is much shallower.
The tube is quite long. It is a danger that part of fume will chrystallizes inside the cold tube.
The dose will be something else than planned?

How copper and oxalic acid reacts?
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should i chop some off? and put a heat plate against the wood then have a shorter pipe.

i have steel pipe but its bigger should i use that?.
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If it was me I'd be making a modified floor to sit polyhive on top of. No opening colonies up and disturbing clusters. Vaporising beneath omf floor from the rear of hive makes the job simples !!!!
Had to do it myself just last week and didnt disturb them half as much as what opening them would have done. All polyhives now on modified wooden floors.
Had to do it myself just last week and didnt disturb them half as much as what opening them would have done. rs.

Don't be naive. It surely disturbs ten times more than trickling.
Opening in you climate is nothing problem but varroa is.
Gazifying is just old laborous method. Nothing less.
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you dont think lifting them off their floor will disturb them?

of course it disturbs. They raise their temperature to 40C and are ready to defend their hive.

It takes 24 hours that heat goes down to 23C. You may measure it by your self with digital thermometer.

Lifting the hive? With its winterfood it is heavy. You just touch the hive and they alarm themselves up.

trickling takes 20 sec. it disturbs what it disturbs but it does not make any harm to colony.

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Yes you must be right Finman. Taking off lid and whatever crownboard is in place is not disturbing bees. They will not raise their heads to see what you are about to pour on them are they.

And i am being naive.

They will not raise their heads to see what you are about to pour on them are they.


yes no because there is a inner cover. They cannot raise their head and you cannot see.

Now we are quite near the border of stupid. I mean bees of course. They could attack via entrance
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Today I joined 2 hives. One had 4 frame cluster and food finish.
Another had food finish too. I put to the hive one box of capped honey.. i killed another queen and joined them. Temp was -1C. they gove me 5 stings to face.

I hope that they did not disturb. At least they are alive in Marsh. 2,5 month winter any more.
There hive gets a good start in Spring.

A third hive was light. I opened the cover and I saw the they have super full off capped honey.
Yes it is better look into hive than go and ask from internet.
trickling takes 20 sec.

Oh yeaqh! And at least 4 days to work out (from all the threads on the forum) how to make up enough oxalic acid trickle solution for two hives!! Hobbyists, go for it. But KISS is best - like don't bother unless they need it. There are other (and possibly better) ways to control the mite.

The most difficult task in forum is to do 1:1 syrup.

To open the inner cover is difficult too. They sting,
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