I have a united utilities manhole in the apiary, the authorities needed to gain access, so I blocked Bees off last night. There were wasps everywhere, but obviously they couldn’t get in to the hives because of the foam.
I moved the main hive 3 feet away from the manhole cover with the foam blocking the underfloor entrance. The other hive with the virgin queen in I’ve blocked off and just moved away, because read the advice on here, I was going to put the frames back into a smaller box. United Utilities came and went. I’ll let the Bees out. The stronger hive is now in a new position albeit only 3 feet away. It was in the same position now as the weak hive was before. The wasps came expecting to be attacking a weak colony. There was a lot of fighting. For now, the Bees are winning.
I think the weaker hive is a goner because I could not see the virgin queen in there.
Nevertheless, I put the frames into a small two frame nuc and fitted one of those pipes that everybody seems to think works. I shook three frames of bees in from the super.
I don’t know what’s going to happen next but the wasps followed me back to the shed with the national and the frames within. I bagged all the frames and put them in a box.
I am certain that I have lost the Queen from the weaker hive, but I’ll need to check later next week
I tried to find the Queen in the main hive to mark her with a red pen, but I couldn’t find her
I can’t stand wasps, never have never will