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Maybe I should move my Bees into cardboard boxes.
Sell off all my Hives,
and then with the money gained buy new ones :)
there's the possibility that there's "shill bidding" occurring, guy i know does it, you get a mate to bid on your stuff to up the price, totally against the rules and i think someone got prosecuted for it recently...

i'm not saying that this is the case here, just possibly.....

i did not sign up on this forum to be judged, or have nasty comments made,
i signed up because im 23 and wanted to learn about it, but with the general attitude with some users i question that, however some people have been nice and i thankyou but i will more than likely not be using this forum again,

but i shall explain myself if you read the following coments, if you read on,
Thanks for letting us know Ashley. Just to explain that you probably got a lukewarm reaction on here because most people are not using Commercial hives and it is a lot easier only to have the same type of hive throughout. With lots of different ones you end up needing a lot more kit.

Most people on here use National hives, a significant minority use Langstroths and then smaller numbers use other types of hive.

thankyou very much for taking the time to explain i understand and agree with you, thankyou again,
I see it is on at a starting bid of 700 quid. I can quite understand why they are still available. I would have thought that was inflated by a factor of about 2.

I also note they are still touted as 'compatible with National hives'. I would hope that anyone remotely interested in the item (new beeks) would not be misled by that. They may have the same footprint but there the compatibility ends. They can not simply be made to take National frames by 'padding out' as the box depths are different as well as frame length.

I just can't see there would be many out there who would want that amount of kit and could not source what they actually needed at a far lower outlay. Maybe people will pay those sorts of prices in the S/E, but I think not, out here, in the sticks in Lincolnshire. I await, eagerly watching to see if anyone makes a bid. I am not holding my breath though.

Regards, RAB

ok dont hold your breath, im not asking you to bid! i stated in my description im not a bee-keeper yet, and i never suggested the frames were the same!!!
Well I asked about poss prices of the nucs and he/she asked me what I was willing to pay, so I asked for some more information about the state of them etc and I never got a reply.

Makes you wonder doesn't it................................................?

hi i did reply, did have trouble but im sure it eventually sent, im sorry you did not recieve it, at the mo not willing to take that much of a drop, but i shall let you know if that changes, many thanks for your intrest sorry you didnt get reply, thanks

Hope you don't take offence, but it concerns me that so many hives are being stolen at the moment.

Are you able to give any written confirmation that these hives can be legally sold?

yes i can we have owned them for years they were my fathers, but now we are forced to sell, im hoping to do a course next year but do not have room for all this, thanks for your concern but i can assure you they are genuinely owned, more than happy to sell with receipt, Ash.
By the looks of the photo I doubt if anyone could nick that much equipment and
sell it on the open market without it coming to the attention of the powers that be.
But there again.................

I guess there is always the possibility that what is for sale isnt what is in the photo :confused:

i hope your not insinuating im dodgy, ive never stolen anything in my life,
granted it is odd that someone that doesnt know much about bee-keeping has this lot for sale, but if you must know, it was all my fathers who has died, so i hope thats a good enough reason for you! and whats for sale is whats in the photo,
i dont know why so many people have to be so nasty and petty about this all im trying to do is sort things out for my mum, and i have to put up with these comments,
there's the possibility that there's "shill bidding" occurring, guy i know does it, you get a mate to bid on your stuff to up the price, totally against the rules and i think someone got prosecuted for it recently...

i'm not saying that this is the case here, just possibly.....


this stuff has been on here with not much intrest, next step was ebay, next step was to burn the lot!,

i assure you this is not the case, i started it at 700, thats the minimum mum and i wanted, anything above is a bonus, i dont believe in bidding up prices it unfair on people that are playing by the rules, again i assure you this is not the case, im very suprised its at that price already, but its out of my hands,
thanks for your concern and assumtion that im bidding up this stuff.
Hope you get paid Ashley sorry to hear about your dad. You should have kept a hive incase you do take up beekeeping
Good luck bidding
Don't worry about it Ashley.
Most new posters seem to get put through the mangle on here.
It's like dunking apprentices in a barrel of tar.

Hope you are successful with your sale and as others have said, why not keep one hive for the future.
Now up to a grand, great stuff, will be interesting to see where it ends up, theres a lot of kit there.

Best of luck to you, and if you do every take it up don't be put off by some of the pointless negativity shown here, its a really good forum.
i hope your not insinuating im dodgy, ive never stolen anything in my life,
granted it is odd that someone that doesnt know much about bee-keeping has this lot for sale, but if you must know, it was all my fathers who has died, so i hope thats a good enough reason for you! and whats for sale is whats in the photo,
i dont know why so many people have to be so nasty and petty about this all im trying to do is sort things out for my mum, and i have to put up with these comments,

Read the words Mr.


Its a Forum and we talk.
You would hear the same conversation down the pub.
One question.
Just out of interest really.
What happened to all the Bees?