Field Bee
Why charge,if the swarms not wanted,let someone who needs it collect it.
Last night I spent 5 hours doing two cut-outs, 1 swarm collection and advising (call pest controller) on two swarms in the infrastructure of the building. I also travelled 40 miles, getting home at 10:30pm
I do not need nor particulary want the bees, but all of the people involved needed a problem to be sorted out as soon as possible.
I charge, and the the charge varies depending on how much work I have to do, how far I have to travel and my perceived view of the individuals personal circumstances.
For one last night I charged £0
another £10
another £ a bit more but still very cheap
I do not do this for profit, but I would not be able to continue to provide a service where and when needed without something towards my running costs. You may also note that for the cut out, I offered the bees free to anyone that wanted to assist. I did have a couple of offers (thanks guys
I now have three colonies that require another 30 mile travel, equipment and time today to get them sorted.
If anyone wants the bees, they are available for £35.00 each plus a donation to the forum.
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