You should do some consumer testing and ask your customers what they are looking for in honey they purchase from you ...
I did it a few years ago and the two words that were most used were raw and local .... It matters not what you perceive as advantageous marketing .. it is what your customers perceive and look for in a product that is important.
I was involved in sales and marketing throughout most of my working life - and loads of product launches. The worst selling products were always those where the marketing department decided what the consumer wanted and which got though to sales without any consumer testing. I can give you many examples of products that failed miserably during my time working at Faberge where the marketing department got lost in their own assessment and when they hit the shelves the customers didn't agree...
They tested this one on MEN ... got very favourable results ... but failed to recognise that the vast majority of men's fragrance, at the time, were purchase by WOMEN for men ... when they finally got round to consumer testing on women - they found that their perception of the product was 'that it had connotations of motor oil and dirty hands'. The packaging was seen as dull and too masculine. Didn't last long ...discontinued and sold off at ridiculous prices ...
FIrst rule of marketing = don't fall into the trap of thinking you know what your customer is seeking without actually asking them.