I'm not saying one thing or another, just trying to prevent the 'nothing to do with MAQs' lot getting awah with false premises.
Queen cells can be capped in short order of losing the queen; if it killed the queen any young brood could easily have suffered the same fate. There is no conclusive evidence that it was not down to formic. The coincidence of queen losses elsewhere and here are not to be over-looked by the proponents of an up -until-yet untried varroa treatment ( in the UK).
Personally I would not discount the probability. Some will argue vehemently against that. I am more sensible and will keep an open mind, while noting it has happened before...
Agree that queen cells can be capped in less than 9 days using an old egg or young grub, as the good Dr and yourself have pointed out.
No open brood at all would be my concern, would the bees really have outed / ate several thousand eggs / young larvae.
As for MAQ's, my personal jury is out. Read the paperwork, spoke to the man at the convention and decided to treat a third of my hives this year.
I am sure each hive and each year will be different due to its size, position, ventilation and the weather conditions at the time.
My initial thoughts were this stuff sounds good, too good to be true.............so it probably is !
It reads like it will rid your hive of the mites completely, which sounds great untill along comes a drone or stray bee from another colony carrying a mite. This would be lessened if all your colonies and all those in 3 mile radius were treated the same....................but that cant happen, I know of at least 3 feral colonies living near me.
It would be a huge business flop for MAQ's if a large proportion of queen deaths were blamed on it this year and may be a backwards step in our fight against the mite.
Mite numbers do seem lower this year,so does associated mite problems, both linked I am sure to the lower number of bees early on, the bees were behind so it follows the mites would be too, in fact numbers of mites are probably at their highest right now in untreated hives, at least on a par with 'normal' years.
As I said my jury is still out, I will be looking in the next few days after giving the hives a week since removing the MAQ's before pulling a frame. Happily report back on here the results from my 9 hives but it just 9 hives and one season in isolation so I wont be drawing a conclusive view point having gone through the facts and evidence.....................unless its compelling.......ie.......all queens dead
Still learning, been at this 30 months now..............such a long way to go, still enjoying it and looking forward to next year with relish