Q&A to module 1 2011

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Ok ,by this time in the exam, the panic has normally set in...as i reach this stage and have 15minutes left to write the 30 minute essay...so read the paper well and choose short question easy to answer

but do the first ten and get say 9 marks and get 13 point on each of the four 15 mark ones which are just lists and you have 61 points and a pass...the final question is benefit and gets you the credit or distinction

i will do Q15 but ask you all for how we should do the essay questions...my English is not up to scrutiny by the forum so i may just do it in note forms on Q `16 to Q17

would that be ok?

Dyslexic of Muswell Hill
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[*]11 for drawing foundation
[*]9 & 10 for already drawn comb
[*]careful when used as can cut hands and gloves
[*]cannot change use of a super easily as castellation fixed and have to be replaced to CHANGE USE

Ten spacing is fine with foundation,same spacing as Manley.
Use plastic castellations,unlikely to cut yourself then,but never have done yet with the metal ones..athough some people are accident prone i imagine.
Castellations are not fixed if you have the right supers,they just sit in a kerf cut,just lift the castellated section out to change.
Ten spacing is fine with foundation,same spacing as Manley.
Use plastic castellations,unlikely to cut yourself then,but never have done yet with the metal ones..athough some people are accident prone i imagine.
Castellations are not fixed if you have the right supers,they just sit in a kerf cut,just lift the castellated section out to change.

ah! you can tell i never use them cant you, though have the slotted supers that the castelaltion slide into but now mainly buy the Th**nes seconds that dont....you learn something new everyday ( well every hour in my case when i am with my bees)

i will have to see if i can locate those super in my stack and play with them.....but i am clumsy so better get a tetanus injection beforehand
final question before the 30 essay question ok here goes ( before i loose the will to live) ok not my area so other may wish to add more

A colony is situated near to autumn sown field of oil seed rape. list stages of early spring managment to make full use of this crop and the manamgment of the colony once the crop is in flower ( do not include swarm control)

15 marks

possible though include swarm prevention etc

early spring

  1. mprove build up by adding pollen patty of yeast/soya pollen substitute patty in late feb/march depending on weather
  2. add water in a feeder either top feed or entrnace feeder to aid use of stores
  3. on staving collinies use top fed 2:1
  4. disease check Varroa count, EFB AFB and Nosema
  5. if nosemic treat with fumidal B if still in date on licenced product ( no longer licenced) or hive tonic like nosevit of vitafeed gold and shook swarm/bailey change
  1. Watch weather/
  2. lowers into bud
  3. liase with spray liason officer at county BKA ( dont have one)
  4. liaise with local farmer on spraying
swarm prevention ( ie not swarm control)
  1. double up on supers
  2. foundation in top super rather than drawn comb
  3. adequate number of supers prepared for imediate use
  4. period of more than 4 days away consider extra super above crown board with feed hole or with newspaer under super
  5. early honey removal of supers and spin immediately
  6. dont wait until capped
  7. hydrometer or optical refractometer for sugar % 80 water 20

inspection /temper/swarm prevention

  1. new queen
  2. regular 7 day inspection spread brood
  3. manipulate brood area by bruising stores
  4. space
  5. if too strong or Queen cells take nuc off
  6. or demaree with Queen excluders
Ok theses a 30 marks question you answer just one so chose the easiest and reserve enough time, and when it says list then list but otherwise write in an essay form, I will however only list the point to be covered as an essay should be in your own style

Q16-2011 (a) List five factors which may affect the temperament of a colony 5Marks

Five from

 Genetics by bad queen mating
 Queenless
 Main flow stops suddenly
 Weather Thunder/Wind/Rain
 Smell/Scent/Sweaty
 Alarm Hormone Dead Bees /Sting

Q16-2011 (b)

A colony in a suburban apiary has become “nasty” , describe in detail

1) how the beekeeper should prevent the bees becoming a problem in the the neighbours in the short term ( 5 Marks)

2) Detail the Alternative procedure that could be taken to rectify the situation in the long term (20 Marks)

Q16-2011(b) (1)

Cover the following points

Open when the neighbour is not around
Less smoke, only on lifting the Queen Excluder or crown board to get bees off…don’t drive up
Try lavender in the smoker
Water spray
Open in Good weather SUN/Warm above 16c/No wind/no thunder frecast
Water source nearbye, perhaps feed water in a feeder
Shut ASAP if the get nasty
Use manipulation cloths showing only one frame at time

Q16-2011 (b) (2)

The long term solution is to move the bees either permanently or Temporary and requeen with a milder Queen from a proved source ,and if requeen move back

You would need to prepare the hive for moving, first describe how you would add at ravel screen and double strap the roof hive and floor together, supers may be temporarily cleared and dealt with separately as long and bee proofed and remove from the hive area,

Then at night, place foam in the entrance to keep the bees in. Then move or if to dark to move at night then in the early morning move. It is best to be a two person lift to transport ( Car or Van) You must drive slowly especially cornering and braking to the site with frames arranged front to back stop frame slap when braking, but also avoid sharp sideways swing

Have you site prepared with leval base with stand. Order a new queen ( can be by post) from a good reliable clam queen breeder, you then prepare to requeen
If you Can’t find queen?

1) move brood box 15m to one side
2) leave a super on floor for flying bees to return to

3) Split brood into two brood boxes and side the queen
4) Pair the frames so they don’t touch another pair ,and away from side wall
5) If not found leave for ten minute and re inspect

When found kill the queen or cage her in a nuc plus one frame of bees ( for insurance) and re assemble main hive

Wait an hour and then the bees know they are queenless

Introduce the queen in a queen cage with candy plug and tab ,Attendants come with the queen, you can either leave them or remove them. However if you leave the attendants then the tab should not be remove for 3 days otherwise the tab can be remove though if using a brown queen into a black hive then you could leave it on as they are difficult to requeen with a different race

Alternatively , you could combine with a calm colony or nuc after first finding and killing the nasty queen

The de queen colony in the lower brood the newspaper held down with a queen excluder, then the new queen in her brood box and her brood bees, then if you have a super, another newspaper with super on top

After one week rearrange the boxes , merging brood and remove the old box and any surplus frames, Requeen can normally clam them down quickly and often occurs before all the flyers are offspring of the new queen, at 6 weeks . They are then ok to move back

OK, now the swarm QUESTION, is in in all module one papers since 2004 in various forms, you must learn swarm control

MY VEIW IS LEARN and PRATICE a Pagden, just as OLIVER90OWNER says in a recent thread do a pagden, I totally agree with him, I have difficult site I need to demaree BUT if I could I would do a pagden, so learn it, draw it, write it, don’t be flash just because you read about a demaree or was bought a snelgrove board…learn the Pagden artificial swarm method…and because there are variants use the mainstream method, the BBKA news has an article in the march addition….it is not a pagden as they say it is , it is a variant called a heddon and involves a queen capture and 90 degree sideways turn of foundation only Q- hive…I have just had to recover a 2nd year from trying to follow the BBKA advice, I despare at the editorial control of that magazine in recent months…so learn a proper PAGDEN ARTIFICIAL SWARM AND CATCHING A SWARM or don’t take the exam…..so 30 Marks certainty…halfway there then aren’t you

Q17-2011 30 Marks

During a regular inspection in May, a colony is found to be producing queen cells

(a) other than by removal of all queens cells describe the steps to be taken to maximise honey production and to prevent the possible loss of a swarm (15 Marks)
(b) If these steps fail and a swarm issues landing on a stout branch at head height nearby, describe how the swarm should be collected and hived (10 Marks)
(c) Explain how to care for this swarm for the following month

Ok semi essay form apologies for syntax and grammar

Q17 (a)

In order to stop a swarm erupting it is necessary to do an artificial swarm either sideways ( pagden or Vertical ( Demaree or snelgrove) implying you know more than just a pagden

The first thing on finding a swarm queen cells is to obtain the necessary equipment ASAP that day is preferable, not on ordering by letter to a supplier

One of the standard Artificial swarm methods is the pagden AS {consider a diagram as well as narrative]

The hive is inspected for queen cells and their location is marked by drawing pin or chalk ( I always have chalk in my pocket, Can never find a draw pin) One ( or perhaps two LOL) charged queen cells are selected and placed in a nuc for safety with nurse bees on their frame of brood ( careful not to select Qcells near drone brood or drone Queen could be made).

The brood box is moved to is moved to a new site at least 3ft to the side and from the old hive.

A new brood box plus frames of new foundation in place on the old site. All other Queen cells are destroyed. The queen is then found and removed on a brood frame and placed in the new box, QE excluder added and then the supers are then placed I€on the new box and the hive closed up ( the queen cells from the new are added to the old hive and again this is closed up

After seven days the old hive is move to the other side of the new box to balance the hives and the new flyer from the old hive drift to the new hive , increasing the work force to improve honey production and reducing the erge of the old queen cell hive to support more that one Queen cell

A second balance can be done at day 14 by changing back to the other side

An alternative (if you have time to add this)A demaree is simlar except the resultant hives are all on the old stand ( snelgrove is a variant of the demaree with an opening upper board that stops drone being trapped in the uppex box and becoming a nuscence and create an angry hive

Draw a demaree labelled diagram
The hives are recombine as required after the pagden queen from the queen cell has started laying. The combine is by the newspaper method by removing the old queen and placing newspaper with queen excluder between the two brood boxes with the new queen on top, once united the new queen and brood are re ordered in the new hive and the old box removed, Supers can be added again with queen excluder and newspaper between

The demaree will produce queen cells if not removed and is supposed to induce supercedure rather than swarming ( various methods with and without Queen excluders add what you wish if time)

b) The normal method is to use a skep or box for a small swarm is my preferred method but for a large prime swarm a larger contained is needed (if you see my swarm photos I use a 6 frames with or without a removable floor, it as large as a national brood almost)

Once the swarm is located a sheet is placed under the hive. Access to the swarm must be safe and if it is accessible a single shake should shake it into the skep. This is then placed on the bottom up on the sheet with a stone under one edge, if you have the queen the bees that fell on the sheet will walk in and collect and cluster in the up turned skip, higher swarms can be difficult and may require with the tree owners permission a branch to be cut with long cutters or a skep on a pole with a frame of brood place in it

The swarm can then be left ( supervised in a public place) until all the reain bees are in the skep. The skep can then be knocked into swarm box or Nuc for transportation to a new hive on new foundation. A space in the foundation is mafde by removing three frames , the frames once the bees are in are gently lower into place as the bees circulate around the hive

The swarm can be fed syrup after 24 hours but a ferral or swarm from unknown source is oftern left for a further 48hours before feeding. The bees should be fed heavy syrup and at least 10 days must be left before inspection for brood and eggs as the queen should be allowed to settle. The swarm can be recombined to its original hive once that hive has made a new queen and she has mated and is laying . This is at least 21 days from a charged cells and can be due to bad weather extended to up to five weeks vbefore a good laying pattern develops

A swarm is also a break in brood and is a good time to treat for varroa though they can abscond so a QE may be of use under the box during treatment. An alternative is to destroy the first

capped brood frame as this has a lot of the varroa in the brood cells

ok finished, over to you lot

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