Q&A to module 1 2011

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Queen Bee
Oct 1, 2009
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London N10
Hive Type
Ok, lets see if we can help forum members taking Modules by a Q&A session based on the BBKA exams...so for 2011 module ONE i will list the questions and my answers

it will only work if others who have passed the exam fill in the gaps in my knowledge

if someone start 2012 with questions and their answers , i will also add my comments/answers

ok so in small bites i will next post question/answers 1-5 in next post and more later

ok for those who have not taen it LEARN UP ON SWARM CONTROL AND ARTIFIAAL SWARM it is in every paper and a ten pointer
2011 module one Q1-5

Question 1-2011 what is the source of protein in a bees diet? Answer Pollen

Question 2-2011 Name one type of hive in common usage that uses frames with short lugs Answer Langstroth, Dadant or Smith NB Hedgecoe not in common use

Question 3-2011 The foundation used in cut comb prouction should be unwired and ? Answer thin

Question 4-2011 After whom are self spacing BROOD frames named?Answer Hoffman

Question 5-2011 What is the international Queen marking colour for ?2011 Answer White

Why You Raise Good Bees

Ok over to you lot

i will post question 6-10 tomorrow
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Question 2-2011 Name one type of hive in common usage that uses frames with short lugs Answer Langstroth, Dadant or Smith NB Hedgecoe not in common use
Good answers. Is Commercial also a possible answer for no 2?
Good answers. Is Commercial also a possible answer for no 2?

yes think so, it has short lugs , all Commercial i have seen are made as Bottom Bees space..So you can use standard national equipment such as crown board and supers

PS seems to be an admission from Yates as it does not cover top and bottom bee space and the Hedgecoe is a long lug top bees space, not short lugged...oooooops
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Question 3-2011 The foundation used in cut comb production should be unwired and ? Answer thin
Not a good phrasing for a question. Yes, they are probably looking for thin, it's what is sold for the job. Logically, wax as opposed to plastic would be an equally valid answer. Or many would prefer a foundation strip to a complete sheet of wax foundation of unknown origin.

I can't help thinking some of the questions are designed to fit the orthodox answers in the notes rather than thinking though the ambiguities of what they are asking.
The answer to question 2 is technically wrong. The question specifically asks for one type, not three. If you put three choices down and one is wrong, do you get the mark for the question or not? Especially if the wrong one is the first to be listed?
That will depend on the examining authority. Some allow markers the benefit of the doubt some don't. In other words if they seem to know the answer (say 2 correct and one wrong) the marker is allowed to "give them the benefit of the doubt".

personally I would want to know this sort of thing about an examining body before I took the paper because as you say it may mark you down for giving more than1 even if correct.
That will depend on the examining authority. Some allow markers the benefit of the doubt some don't. In other words if they seem to know the answer (say 2 correct and one wrong) the marker is allowed to "give them the benefit of the doubt".

personally I would want to know this sort of thing about an examining body before I took the paper because as you say it may mark you down for giving more than1 even if correct.

As a minimum I would expect the question text to draw attention to the requirement if anything else were marked down, e.g. specify ONE TYPE of hive. Similar to the way it does for BROOD frames in 4. Ideally it should specify in the rubric what happens if a question requires a specific number of answers and a different number are given. It doesn't in the examples I have seen. Otherwise it's an invitation to put down as many types as you know in the hope that most are right. These dilemmas are frequently discussed and circulated as markers guides if they appear in the candidate texts when they were not anticipated.

Any idea how many question setters and markers are involved? Counter intuitively, more people involved means the tighter the process has to be to ensure consistency.

Alternatives are hard to express in English without resorting to a long form of words each time. Is "Langstroth, Dadant or Smith" the approved study notes list? And "NB Hedgecoe not in common use" rules it out without defining what they mean by "common usage". I see a good deal more short lug Commercial around here than I do Dadant or Smith for instance; I'd expect any local marker to include it or refer it upwards. Almost anything else could be in "common use" locally if it were made or imported by a local immigrant population.

Difficult to define in English a succinct way of expressing valid alternatives. Computer manuals usually resort to a convention based on regular expressions such as [Langstroth|Dadant|Smith|Commercial] meaning use just one of those alternative strings.
you need to put one type of hives ,i was listing the alternatives, i will be more precise with my wording

One of the Following: Smith, Commercial, Langstroth Dadant

Zero points if you put two when it asks for one
Question 6-2011 : Besides marking, in which other way can newly mated laying queens be treated to aid in swarm manament ,Answer: Clipping wings

Question 7-2011 : With what do worker bees polish cells and fill gaps Answer: Propolis

Question 8-2011: What is the dimension of a bee space?: Answer: one of the following 4.5mm to 8mm or 6mm or 5.3mm+/-0.5mm...., now others may wish to comment their veiws on this, especially those who will rightly point out that bee space can be single or double as between drawn comb

Question 9-2011 What type of hive has ten long lugged frames and uses bottom bee space: Answer: One of the following W.B.C Hive. or William Braughton Carr Hive

Question 10-2012 What is the recommended strength of sugar syrup used in autumn feeding: Answer one of the following 2:1 sugar to water or 2kg sugar to 1litres water or 2lbs of sugar to 1 pint of water, or ( so would they all 1.6:1 by weight sugar to water, which is the same as 2lbs to a pint)
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Zero points if you put two when it asks for one
Seems harsh, but if you know that before starting it's at least clear. Is it part of the written rules for all modules, or is it hearsay?

Another uncertainty might be how tightly the rule is applied. For instance question 2 asks for one. Question 3 is not explicitly one word and could reasonably have more than one qualifier such as "thin wax" so would that be zero?
Seems harsh, but if you know that before starting it's at least clear. Is it part of the written rules for all modules, or is it hearsay?

Another uncertainty might be how tightly the rule is applied. For instance question 2 asks for one. Question 3 is not explicitly one word and could reasonably have more than one qualifier such as "thin wax" so would that be zero?

it is the "ONE" that requires one answer, and i agree thin wax would be an alternative answer to thin or extra thin wax or extra thin wax , the marking regime allows for that but if it says ONE and you give TWO then you have not answered the question

Basic requirement of exams...answer the question, in this case you get no more marks for adding more ,though in the essay, then more may be better
Should the answer to question nine not include some of the poly Nationals as an alternative?

Thinking about it, how does this help anyone to keep bees. 'Rote' learning went out years ago!
It's a one point question, it's general knowledge, it demonstrates you have some idea what the differences between various hive types are. It might not make you a better beekeeper, but it might indicate that you might be able to talk to new beekeepers from a position of knowledge about choosing beehives, perhaps.

Do we have to go through this every time someone spots a question they consider "pointless"?
Do we have to go through this every time someone spots a question they consider "pointless"?

Why not ? It is a discussion forum.

This is a teaching qualification then (it might indicate that you might be able to talk to new beekeepers from a position of knowledge) ?
Just read any of the threads around the exams since this forum started.

I've got better things to do.

Discuss by all means, coming to sneer because you don't see the point of it isn't discussion.
I was told you still got the mark.

Not what was said by the main examiner at a stoneleigh lecture on how to pass Module exams and the marking schemes

They said One means One dont put two as you will lose the mark but expanding on a general question would be expected if you were at distinction grade

so if asked how you make wax foundation...start by taking fresh beewax and melt may give you a pass but take clean capping wax in preference to frame wax and melt in a double boiler ::: would be expected for a distinction but in the first ten question it is only 1 point per question so why not answer the question rather than gamble
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The answer came from our seminar leader. I think your source is more reliable.
Thanks for clarifying.

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