Prying apart paynes nuc and brood extension

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Mods, delete the link if it is seen to be advertising or otherwise inappropriate. It illustrates the rebate in the paynes Nuc. http://www.****** (insert paynes in place of ******)
As with any form of multi box hive you will often get bridging comb and you will also get varying amounts of propolis around the join between the boxes. A small amount of propolis is VERY effective at gluing together a Paynes poly nuc and any extensions added to it. I bought some of the very first batch of Paynes poly nucs and hives so I am aware of their foibles. Not all poly hives are the same.... Paradise Honey boxes have a rebate but they also have a hard plastic insert against which you can lever to separate the boxes. Swienty and Lyson and Paradise Honey poly products appear to be made from a much more resilient poly.
A small amount of propolis is a good way of testing the density of poly nucs and hives. Two years ago i was called out to help a new beekeeper who had two colonies of "unmanagable bees". Part of his problem was that they liked to use propolis and they were very good at constructing bridge comb. Every time he broke open the hive to inspect (emphasis on broke) it riled the bees. I had to show him how to remove the crown board without jarring the bees and I even had to give him a wax bucket and show him how to remove bridge comb from the top bars of his hives. In levering up the crownboard, he had been pulling chunks out of the poly hive. This was due to the propolis, not any from of bridging comb. By pulling out chunks of the hive walls, he created extra entrances which wasps were trying to take advantage of. He also used enough smoke to cover the approach of a goodly portion of the NATO land forces.....
The result, pissed off bees, very scruffy looking hives and one fewer beehaver. It took him 8 months to sell his problems to another beginner.
He's got a degree in it don't you know!

I have got every hive or nuc open so far. Never asked help to use saw.

Every hive type needs degree .

When polyhives have those type roofs, beekeepers use sheet of plastic under the roof. Not vaselin.
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It's not a roof.

What it is then? A Wall?

Beehive is not so complex that adult person can get it open, or loose. What is matter with you out there. Everything is my fault? Send it to me and I will open it, what ever it is.

They are standard stuff and meant to normal people.

First I thought that it if those two boxes in picture, but it was a lip. Hive lip or nuc lip, roof lip, floor lip. What is the difference?

Give it to some children. They take it soon apart

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Sort of, yes. This is like putting another brood box on but there is a ridge on the paynes nuc mating faces so they lock together.
Sort of, yes. This is like putting another brood box on but there is a ridge on the paynes nuc mating faces so they lock together.

I understood that. New type poly boxes has those figurations. Hot water can loosen the stuff in the joint. And it can expand the material and break the seal. A final solution is a table saw and glue. And no answer, are the bees inside.
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I understood that. New type poly boxes has those figurations. Hot water can loosen the stuff in the joint. And it can expand the material and break the seal. A final solution is a table saw and glue.

Finman this is the topic, notice the lip
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If they are empty, squirt Cillit Bang with bleach into the joints, let them soak (Cillit Bang will dissolve the propolis) and when the joint is separated, simply wash it all off and then Vaseline the joint so it does not stick next time. Hope that works for you.:)

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