Possible laying worker???

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What has me a bit puzzled is that there is still lots of capped brood on 2 frames yet to emerge.
Now I have always understood that a newly mated queen won't start laying until all the brood from the previous queen has emerged s

Possibly not enough bees in nuc to maintain the 35C temperature needed for t he "text book" timing...they will emerge just a bit later than expected.
Last point is ...to put it politely .....rubbish. Whoever told you that should be forced to watch every Sunderland game next season.... ;)
Now I have always understood that a newly mated queen won't start laying until all the brood from the previous queen.

You understood wrongly I'm afraid, another myth perpetuated since the stone age. I have often found eggs from a newly mated queen laid amongst sealed brood remaining from the previous queen.
Thank you both for your replies. Its just I have never had a new mated queen start to lay before all brood was emerged before. I stocked the nuc very well with nurse bees so I don't think temp was an issue given it has been unusually so warm recently also.

Watching Sunderland is no punishment, in fact its going to be a great joy watching them get spanked again this coming season.. Ha !

Cheers, Mick.
Thank you both for your replies. Its just I have never had a new mated queen start to lay before all brood was emerged before.

I think it all depends on how quickly the queen gets mated. I think the 'rule' about her not laying amongst her predecessors brood is another case of someone, instead of thinking something through, just makes up his/her theory based on one single observation and the parrots then just take up the chant.
I think it all depends on how quickly the queen gets mated. I think the 'rule' about her not laying amongst her predecessors brood is another case of someone, instead of thinking something through, just makes up his/her theory based on one single observation and the parrots then just take up the chant.

Unfortunately this does happen in beekeeping.

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