Possible laying worker???

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Field Bee
Jan 11, 2018
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Bit of a continuation from the hive I am looking to requeen....

I have my nuc ready with my new laying queen to requeen my double brood hive. I have not located queen yet to cull but have a plan for that. I have noticed that there are a few not loads of cell with 2 eggs in each. Is it possible that I have a laying worker?? There are not loads of drone cells in the 2 boxes. I have read that if I requeen a hive with laying worker they may kill queen unless it's a strong hive. It is a strong hive but just worried on the 2 eggs in cells. Most are centre of cells indicating queen laying.
Thoughts please as got my new queen introduced to a nuc so do not want to lose her.
Bit of a continuation from the hive I am looking to requeen.... It is a strong hive but just worried on the 2 eggs in cells. Most are centre of cells indicating queen laying.
Sounds to me like you may have a newly mated (ex-virgin) queen just getting to grips with laying.
Oh.... that makes the requeening different.... I may just leave them to it then for another week and keep the new queen in the nuc and have another look on my next inspection and hopefully it will be ok....

May then see the temperament of the bees with the new mates virgin queen and if ok make another hive up with the bought in queen.... May end this season with 3 or 4 hives at this rate.....
Please don't take what I think as "gospel", there are other explanations. But I think waiting is a good idea. If you can add a test frame from another hive and see if they do, or don't, raise queen cells will help you sort out what is going on.
Sounds to me like you may have a newly mated (ex-virgin) queen just getting to grips with laying.
I agree that it sounds like a new queen. If the eggs are in the bottom and in the centre I would wait until they are capped. Thdn you will know gor sure.
Please don't take what I think as "gospel", there are other explanations. But I think waiting is a good idea. If you can add a test frame from another hive and see if they do, or don't, raise queen cells will help you sort out what is going on.

A colony with laying workers is not too likely to raise queencells as they think they have a (psudo) queen already.
Done my full hive inspections today and there were around 4 or 5 double eggs in the whole double brood so I'm leaning more to new queen but do not think they swarmed at any point.. still did not spot the queen tho....
Done my full hive inspections today and there were around 4 or 5 double eggs in the whole double brood so I'm leaning more to new queen but do not think they swarmed at any point.. still did not spot the queen tho....

I've had new queens shotgunning cells as they get to grip with laying and even laying on top of stored pollen...
They do make Queen cells from fertile eggs and i have done it but i may have been lucky.. ;)

Sometimes they do but not always. They can even stop laying drone eggs for a few days post a virgin emerging and then the virgin queen can then disappear a few days later with the LW starting up again.
I have a nuc that I inspected today. The emerged queen cell from 10 days ago has been repaired and had 2 eggs in it but no royal jelly. There was another play cup with a single egg in it. There is also more or less a reasonable pattern of less than 3 day old eggs. I have not seen the emerged queen yet. What has me a bit puzzled is that there is still lots of capped brood on 2 frames yet to emerge.
Now I have always understood that a newly mated queen won't start laying until all the brood from the previous queen has emerged so is this not the case or is it the workers. I also wouldn't expect a worker to start laying with brood present.
I think its probably a new mated queen but we will see soon hopefully.

Cheers, Mick.

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