Sussex Bees'
Surely it makes more sense to match the internal measurements of the wooden version than the external
Not surely at all. It is always a compromise.
I looked at this version with some interest initially, but that interest waned rapidly when I ascertained the bee space arrangement. I am all top space and this kit is the more common 'bottom' variant. Beespace compatibility is not a particularly problematic issue and can be overcome, but with needing the right kit handy if mixing and matching boxes.
I looked at the consruction and it appears to be box jointed (I say appears because I have not seen one 'in the flesh') and that may not be as strong as the closed joint construction of the MB example. I do transport my hives at times, so that was a consideration.
Now to the footprint. Poly hives tend to be effectively larger than timber counterparts because the insulation afforded, by the typically 40mm thick walls (need that for strength of construction), is far superior to 18/19mm of wood. That means the brood is often found on the frame sides actually adjacent to the walls, which is not the case for a timber hive (witout extra insulation added) where the outermost frames are rarely used for brooding because of temperatures fluctuating and/or being too low.
That means a poly with ten frames is likely an easy equivalent of an eleven frame timber version. A 'National anything' with a deep brood is likely to need extra space with most bee strains these days, so the issue of being slightly smaller is fairly irrelevant to me. All my colonies are either on 14 x 12 (only, or with extra brooding space as required)
On the other hand, the overlap with a larger box and mixing with timber boxes will lead to other potential issues - getting them square, quickly and easily, if the larger box is above and having a 'water catching' ledge if below. Excluders may be another 'unique to the footprint size' issue
I am not sure about the issue of roofs and floors, but it would appear the standard roof could be used on the one, but certainly could not be on the larger footprint option.
There will be other considerations, I am sure. The above were far more than adequate for me to discount the B**hive S*pplies version as an option for my use, apart from the not unconsiderable financial advantages of the more competitively priced Paradise offering.
So, you see, 'surely' is not a word I could use in this context. Things are always a compromise, unless absolutely ideal - which does not happen often!
Regards, RAB