Poly Hive not flush?

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When bleary blair was introducing his anti-hunting and anti-English legislation, I went across to London for all the protests. During an all night vigil near the houses of parliament, this question was discussed and apparently it was legal to hunt rats with one terrier/dog, but not with two or more. This may have been modified since by legal precedent, but the legislation exists to prosecute anyone hunting rats with a "pack".
Not as fast as they do with poly hives, which even the wasps bore holes into, unlike the wooden ones from what i see here, and nothing copes too well chewing/boring through the plywood hives, especially woodpeckers.
I don't know about how fast they chew either wood or polystyrene, and I've never seen wasp damage on a poly hive anywhere except in photos on here. I think Paynes have fixed the possible source of the problem.

Last winter a mouse, or some mice, did try to chew the way into the lowest box of a stack of poly supers, but gave up. I think it was because the walls were too thick. These are Swienty Langstroth.

Not so much Beehive wise but where a Rat or Mouse decides to chew holes you will spot it in wood before the damage is done, and fix the problem i fear it would be too late with polystyrene .
Not really, they'll go through both overnight when we aren't looking, and a woodpecker will be into either wood or poly in no time at all.
Funnily enough - on the day the biggers dragged the hunting act into legislation, i was there in Parliament square - just outside the abbey and in the throng, happened to look down and there, scuttling among the feet of all the people gathered was a mouse - making it's way towards St Margaret's - until a young lad saw it and swiftly stamped on it. That was about an hour before a police cunstable chasing around with his camera taking photos of his mates inciting a bunch of ex miners to riot accidentally tripped over near my foot, his nice expensive camera landed right in front of me and was also swiftly stamped upon (as was said bonehead :D)
Oh good, they must of fixed it in the last 3 weeks then, wasps chewing holes in the lower feeder side of the nuc boxes.
Didn't realise that HM as hadn't seen it mentioned - but then you already reckon I need braille! :D

Any idea why the wasps are attacking the feeders, are they leaking because there's something wrong with the density of the poly or is it a moulding fault?
What happened after that then: they were talking about hunting being banned before long or some such nonsense any sign of it happening soon ?

Seems like nothing much became of it, perhaps because the government never had enough time, and then became preoccupied with their new hobby of dropping bombs in different places all round the world.
What happened after that then: they were talking about hunting being banned before long or some such nonsense any sign of it happening soon ?

I can't say i have noticed anything different since the silly attempted ban , if anything they seems to be more doing it these days, the only folk who have really felt the sharp end of the silly attempted ban are the genuine hare coursing folk.
I can't say i have noticed anything different since the silly attempted ban , if anything they seems to be more doing it these days, the only folk who have really felt the sharp end of the silly attempted ban are the genuine hare coursing folk.

Strange isn't it - speaking to a fellow beek who's into sight hounds in a big way - he regularly goes out to Eire, it's amazing how much good coursing has done to the welfare and wellbeing of the hare out there.
People don't realise that in the great days of the Waterloo Cup, if a hare was injured or killed the dog was instantly disqualified.
Strange isn't it - speaking to a fellow beek who's into sight hounds in a big way - he regularly goes out to Eire, it's amazing how much good coursing has done to the welfare and wellbeing of the hare out there.
People don't realise that in the great days of the Waterloo Cup, if a hare was injured or killed the dog was instantly disqualified.
I have been to a few Warterloo Cups and the last ever one i went too before the ban i recorded it on video, apparently out of so many hundred hares that where run over them few day's only 13 where killed i missed the first day so i'm unsure of the numbers, but it just goes to show not many are killed and the points where awarded for the greyhounds speed and turning ability.
The good old days..:(

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