Plastic extractor?

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Mrs Webmuppet

New Bee
Aug 14, 2013
Reaction score
Hive Type
Number of Hives
3 plus little miss Webmuppets 1
Hi, I'm thinking of buying an extractor, just a small one, that would take 2 frames.I only have 3 hives. I have looked at the Thornes Bees on a Budget one and noted there's a couple of similar ones on eBay.....

I know to stay away from the Chinese metal red legged extractors on eBay (I have read the posts).

I wondered if the plastic ones are any good.?There's no rush to buy one as yet as my lovely mentor has said I can use his extractor to start with. It would save me the hours round trip to his house if I had my own!
The first extractor I bought was a Giordan 8 frame drill driven radial. It's a faff to clean so I bought a plastic four frame one from Thorne for dealing with just a few frames. I had a look at that one and the bees on a budget one and plumped for the former as it is more robust in my opinion and the cage comes out easily for cleaning.
Would not consider anything that is not stainless steel frankly as they last forever, are virtually indestructible and will have a resale value if you change your mind some years down the line, and are also particularly food-safe. Plastic ones can crack, stain and degrade and have got to be a no-no? Maismore have some good stainless steel ones and regularly have sales. Had you gone to the 2015 convention on the Friday pm Trade day (£4 ticket ordered on line from BBKA website shop - have you signed up to BBKA?) I bet you would have got a good deal. Go next year and use your mentors one in the meantime. If you are fit enough to turn a handle you won't need the expensive motorised version to begin with - wait until you get 50 more hive for that. With the 3 hives you have now the minimum you should consider is a 4 frame version as you will be extracting that many frames quite often I reckon. Bigger one if you want to afford it.
PS. Hope you mentor isn't a plastic extractor fan?
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A small contingent from my local association (including my mentor) go to the Spring Convention every year....maybe next year I will see if they can squeeze me in the car. By then I might be able to save up enough for a stainless steel one........and hide the receipt when I get home!And yes I have joined the BBKA My mentor made sure to sign me up.

I don't need an electric extractor......burning off a few calories springing the honey will counteract the calories gained from having a honey habit!

My mentor is not a fan of plastic, he's very old school. He nearly blew a gasket when my daughter mentioned plastic hives...... He has a huge industrial style extractor but then he has approx.200 hives.
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The first extractor I bought was a Giordan 8 frame drill driven radial. It's a faff to clean

What did you find about it that made it difficult to clean?

Have used one for several years without any problem, and I am not known as the world's greatest cleaner!
I have used on of these for the past two seasons and have found it OK, I just have 3-4 colonies so its fine for me, Made of food grade plastic so its easy to clean etc.
I was fed up with the hassle of the "waiting list " for the association extractor.
...I have looked at the Thornes Bees on a Budget one and noted there's a couple of similar ones on eBay.....
The T one is OK for an occasional super during the season. Yes, it's a bit of a chore if you try to use it for the main harvest of 20 hives and it won't last as long as steel but there's an advantage in an extractor being available when you want it over having to book and transport an association one for instance. And having a tangential that can take any size frame means you could buy or borrow a larger extractor that takes only shallow frames. Other pluses are it's fairly light and not too wide of you want to get it through a loft door.

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