Plant ID Please

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Thank you @Goran and @Erichalfbee . We had searched through our wild flower books and had no luck. Didn’t think it was a vegetable!
How it came to grow in our driveway is a bit of a mystery. Someone must have grown them locally I suppose.
Thanks again👍
How it came to grow in our driveway is a bit of a mystery
It's funny how strange things appear in the garden....(Not me by the way)
A pant with biggish leaves came from nowhere in our bog garden and it grew and grew and grew
I asked here and it was identified as Elecampane or Elfdock

It's funny how strange things appear in the garden....(Not me by the way)
A pant with biggish leaves came from nowhere in our bog garden and it grew and grew and grew
I asked here and it was identified as Elecampane or Elfdock

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Wow! That must have caused a little consternation, especially if you’ve read “The Day of the Triffids”. Amazing.
We had a "Devil's Trumpet" plant turn up in the garden one year. No idea where it came from. Our property is surrounded by pasture and one field that is usually used for growing grain crops.
