Picking Up My First Nuc

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Just like you.. sad I have to wait so long to look inside. I'm a bit worried as the 6 frame nuc was packed and there has been a lot of activity since Tuesday. I'm only running one medium box with the crown board on top. The other two boxes are just being stored in the stack on top. If the girls need room, I'd like to give it to them... but I suppose a week is not too long to wait.

So far I've seen a reasonable amount of pollen coming in. I'm presuming the rest are bringing nectar. I've seen one flight of an undertaker bee. I've been pooped on once. I have found one dead bee under the entrance all by itself. I can see the guard bee hiding in the entrance when it's evening. When the sun is out (today was cold and drizzly) there is a lot of activity.

Same kinda situation here - 6 full frames moved from nuc to standard deep. My Abelo poly allows 11 frames so 5 frames of foundation should keep them busy.

Brilliant Jazz..you have done the easiest thing now you have to get through the hardest part and leave them alone for a while..:D ..
Spend the time observing the entrance and search the local forage..this time next year you will know more about plants and trees than you ever thought you could imagine..enjoy and the best of luck with them..
Oh and buy another hive this year and two more next year..:spy:

You're not kidding, I already want to check on them now! Haha! It's not a great day mind so I'll watch from the lounge. Saw a few popping out this morning, they like the tree above them too. I will need to learn these names you're right.

I read your last sentence to my wife. The reply was a firm NO haha
FWIW: my wife (aka: “the pimeministrix”) was originally very sceptical about the whole thing, but, since installing them on Tuesday, has slowly been warming to the whole idea and has suggested buying “an extra suit” just in case any one wanted to watch an inspection... who knows? Maybe we will get that second hive.
I think the only way round getting another hive would be to build it myself, which I'm up for. I have the materials, just need the time :D
You need honey to sell....then you find your next Abelo poly hive only costs 26 jars....(at£5 jar)
I think I will look into creating the boxes from reclaimed wood, but I would still buy things like the floor and roof, as they are fairly fiddly and having a proper fitting metal roof would be an advantage.
I think I will look into creating the boxes from reclaimed wood, but I would still buy things like the floor and roof, as they are fairly fiddly and having a proper fitting metal roof would be an advantage.

If you are looking for a reasonable price you won't go far wrong with the 2nds from here.
Unless you have a decent workshop with decent tools making your own from scrap wood is not easy!
I think I will look into creating the boxes from reclaimed wood, but I would still buy things like the floor and roof, as they are fairly fiddly and having a proper fitting metal roof would be an advantage.

Actually - the floors and roofs are the easy bits to make ! The roofs are only covered in metal to keep the weather out - underneath they can be anything. You don't need to use metal for the covering - I have a couple of timber nucs and the roofs are OSB for the top with some ex garden table slatsfor the sides (I think it might be Eucalyptus) and they are covered in shed roofing felt. If you have the tools, ten minutes cutting ten minutes assembling, (I glue and screw) and another ten minutes cutting and fitting the roofing felt. I could probably do it quicker but I keep losing things I put down !

Floors are easy to make as well - have a search for JBM's under floor entrance which is highly recommened and not rocket science to make - even Millett can make them.

Hive bodies are best made from something that's going to last -cedar - and they are not that expensive to buy as a kit (seconds in the sales are very good value and useful to keep a couple unmade as 'standby' boxes) ... you will always need more kit than you ever dreamed possible - extra boxes are needed for swarm control, your bees will swarm and catch you out, someone else's swarm will arrive in your garden, someone who knows you keep bees will get a swarm in their garden, compost bin, back of their car ... etc. What are you going to say to them .. I've got nothing to put them in ? Even if you combine colonies or give them away - or GOD FORBID sell them .. a colony of bees .. £150 - £250 ... there's another three brood boxes.

So much to learn ... first thing is to learn how to bend the truth and get yourself a chamber of secrets....what this old hive ? Someone gave it to me - honest - just keeping it in case. Then .. surprise surprise ... some bees move into it ! Honest Guv ... nothing to do with me ... they just arrived.

Good luck. On all fronts. :facts::judge::hairpull:bee-smillie
Floors are easy to make as well - have a search for JBM's under floor entrance which is highly recommened and not rocket science to make - even Millett can make them.

Sometimes Paul you come across as an arrogant :conehead:
You are also wrong........ as Millet makes tunnel entrances as they are more effective vs wasps than underfloor.
However, if you have big strong colonies the type of floor makes no effing difference.......something many forget.
Tut tut.....such blatant :troll:ing.
Care to find this post and put a link to it?
Otherwise your post implying "even Millet can make them" comes across as arrogant and condescending.
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- even Millett can make them.
Good luck. On all fronts. :facts::judge::hairpull:bee-smillie

I did not want to say this but what an absolute tit you are..loose some weight fatty it might bring the negative stress levels down and you might appreciate how good i actually am at making things...please don't try to take the piss out of me anymore it never goes down well..
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Heh... I suppose the cheaper they are, the easier they are to replace. (When it comes to boxes...) Having wooden boxes that last for decades vs. cheap and cheerful and easily replaced seems like it could be a battle that rages on for a long time. I do love the smell of cedar, but finger joints do my head in. Glue and screw butted ends for me right now.

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