Pea flour

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Queen Bee
Nov 29, 2008
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Having obtained various ancient tomes on the subject of beekeeping, I've been having a read - "The Bee-Master of Warrilow" by Tickner Edwardes, "Instruction in Beekeeping for the use of Irish Beekeepers (HM Stationery Office 1912), "Beekeeping up to Date" by AB Flower (1936), and "The Beekeeper's Guide by Herrod-Hempsall (1945)......... and several times they mention the use of pea-flour as a feedstuff - is it still used? (Never knowingly come across the stuff)
feedbee tastes like peas
from "Beekeeping up to Date" (1936)

"During February and up to the middle of March, pea-flour should be supplied to the bees, the best means of administering it being in the candy. Peaflour takes the place of pollen, of which there is often not much to be had..........
the pea flour (which has been mixed to a stiff paste with a little water) should be added when stirring the cooling candy....... two ounces of pea-flour to every 12lbs sugar....
....many beekeepers advocate dusting the pea-flour over the combs, but this is not advisable, as the pea-flour often becomes mouldy when stored in the combs as pollen, and therefore becomes an incentive to dysentery"
heres what google found about it, of the sites i had a look at they where all pretty much the same .

In Manitoba, we mill peas, pea hulls and other pulses to produce fiber, bran and flour that are sold throughout the world. BEST Pea Fiber is a dietary fiber - 89% TDF, 7% of which is soluble - approved by Health Canada’s Bureau of Nutritional Sciences. It is made from yellow pea hulls, a by-product of our splitting plant. BEST Pea Fiber is incorporated into bakery, meat processing, nutraceutical, and pet food products in many different countries. BEST pulse flours include whole yellow/green pea flour, yellow/green split pea flour, chickpea flour and custom grinds
Pisum sativum has crude protein 20-25% which is too low as pollen patty.

The amino acid composition of peas is characterized by a high lysine and arginine content and a low methionine, cystine and tryptophan content (Leterme et al. 1990 {603}, Lalles 1993 {580}). In young growing preruminant calves, in which the limiting amino acids are the sulfur amino acids lysine, threonine and isoleucine (van Weerden and Huisman 1985 as cited by Lalles 1993 {580}) it was concluded with the addition of methionine calf requirements would be met.


The nutrition value of protein depends on the content of minimum amino acid.
Soya has a good balance of aminoacid and crude protein content is about 60%. In yeast crudeprotein is about 50%.

I have seen nowhere that pea flour has used for bees.
here's another reference from a similar period -
looks like it's an old favourite that got revived!

I have read from German book from year 1860 that boil carrots and give juice to bees in spring.

Nowadays we know a lot about nutrition values of bee's food. In 1953 Dr. A. De Groot studied the amino-acid and protein requirements of honey bees and found that they need ten (10) essential amino-acids, at levels ranging from 1% to 4.5% of the protein digested. These results are listed in Table 1.

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heres what google found about it, of the sites i had a look at they where all pretty much the same .

In Manitoba, we mill peas, pea hulls and other pulses to produce fiber, bran and flour that are sold throughout the world. BEST Pea Fiber is a dietary fiber - 89% TDF, 7% of which is soluble

Fiber means not protein.

Wiki: Desi chickpeas have a markedly higher fiber content than Kabulis and hence a very ... Chick peas and bengal grams are used to make curries and are one of the most ... Many popular dishes in Indian cuisine are made with chickpea flour, ...


How to conect new and 100 y old knowledge ! Bee food and Indian cuisine.
Feedbee....bee's like dried pea powder.

Feedbee Composition


Feedbee is made from 100% processed plant materials.

Feedbee is made from 100% Canadian materials

Feedbee is free from:


Hive Products

Animal Products/by-product

Soy products/by-products

Genetically Modified Organism



Artificial Colours, Flavours or Preservatives

Nutrition Facts:



Carbohydrates (dietary fibre etc.)…............…........41.8%

Sugar (natural occurring not extracted)…………….10.0%

Minerals (natural occurring not synthetic)……....……3.1%

Some Harmful Effects of Soy & Bee-Pollen Feeding

What is Soy? What are its effects on humans and animals?
Please visit link for more information about harmful effects:

* Soy products contain protein inhibiting enzymes that restrains digestion and absorption of certain proteins in the digestive tract of honeybees.
* Soy products contain toxic sugars e.g. Stachyose and Raffinose which are lethal to bees.
* Feeding soy products to starving colonies encourage the queen to lay eggs but the brood will not reach maturity and will die in early ages due to adverse effects of protein inhibiting enzymes & toxic sugars in soy products.
* Bee-collected pollens purchased from market are not sterilized and are contaminated with honeybee diseases and pests.
* Feeding colonies with bee-collected pollens from market highly increases the chances of introducing all kinds of diseases and/or pests to the colonies.
* Most bee-collected pollens on the market are low quality pollens which do not have any beneficial effect on the bees even if they are not contaminated.
* Irradiation has adverse effect on the quality of pollens in terms of nutrients degradation and/or digestibility. Vitamins are the most radiation-sensitive nutrients.
|Peas porridge hot, peas porridge cold, peas porridge in the pot, three days old.

Laced with honey, I'm sure that dried pea flour might be a good source of protein for bees and very acceptable too. Does anyone use it, other than as a commercial product?

Feeding pea flour, you know that no farmers need call . . . :)

If it's good for the Scots, then you know that they do like to get it down them. I had to tell my mother that personally I thought it might be an acquired taste.

Here in the midlands grey peas seemed to provide much the same staple for people,but best you don't add bacon and try to feed it to the bees.

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