About 12 months ago, I lost patience with some of what I perceived to be the petty, cliquey comings and goings on the Forum and - probably after a few beers - blew my stack, had a bit of a rant in an ill-advised post, and vowed never to darken the doors of the Forum again. To anybody I offended (not that anyone will remember, I'm sure) - sincere apologies...... but, as you'll gather, I am back - basically because this really is the 'go-to' place for beekeeping discussion, and some things just need to be aired to a wider audience.
So, to the question of Abelo vs. Paradise ... I myself run a number of 14*12 Abelo (original design) poly hives with deep roofs, and have done for 3 or 4 years now. I am wildly delighted with them. I've never had any problem with water ingress, and I like, amongst other things:
- the quality of the boxes (density etc) and the floor
- the simplicity (e.g. fact there is no assembly, and the fact they come pre-painted)
- the hard plastic edges and runners
- the 100% compatibility with all my wooden kit (including crown boards, Queen excluders etc...)
The last point is very important (to me at least). I would go so far as to say these are almost
perfect hives; the only one (extremely minor) downside being the silly faffery with the 5 loose-fitting polystyrene 'caps' which sit over the crownboard vents. Unnecessary. I should really tape them down, but I don't want to glue them in, as the holes accommodating the vents are pretty useful for feeding.
Anyhow, to Paradise, and the reason I feel compelled to post, and to seek comments...
I do not own any of these, but have recently needed to get to grips with them, when helping out a member of our Association who has one. Well...
Verdict - dog turd. Avoid.
So the first observation is that I personally don't like the 'rim'/rebate - i.e. the way the boxes interlock. I do not get the sense it makes the unit any more secure/stable, but, more fundamentally, it means that the hive is not compatible in any meaningful way with ANY standard boxes or boards. My main beef is the boards. Let me explain.
Paradise are Top Bee Space hives. In itself, I like that (TBS) ... much more civilised. However, a complete hive (as supplied by Modern Beekeeping) comes with a flimsy plastic, slotted QX. Obviously, this sags in the middle, which compromises the bee space, and is generally unfit for purpose. So you then want to buy a good old wired, framed QX, but .... it doesn't 'marry' with the interlocking boxes. Aaaargh.
As supplied, a complete hive does not come with any kind of crownboard. I do believe these used to come with a flexible clear polycarbonate 'board' (like you can get with e.g. Paynes nucs), but Modern Beekeeping say that a crownboard is not required in this design (i.e. on the basis that the roof can just sit directly over the top box). Tosh. The roof is not flat on the underside. It has what is best described as a "well" or "recess" in the central area. This means that the bees have too much space (over the top of the beespace above), which they are liable to fill with burr comb.
That was my gut feeling, and, hey, it happened:
View attachment 32215
So you DO need a crownboard, but, much like the QX, a standard national CB doesn't 'marry' with the interlocking boxes. Double Aaaargh.
So to the floor design. Again, this also has a kind of "well" or "recess" in the central area, which (over and above the standard half-inch or so 'rim' which gives the bees more-than adequate space the traverse the floor anyway) creates an excessively large void beneath the frames, which ... you've guessed it ... the bees are apt to fill with burr comb. See below (and triple Aaaargh):
View attachment 32216
View attachment 32217
And then you've got the internal dimensions of the boxes themselves (super and brood), which take 10 Hoffman frames (no more, you can't squeeze an 11th in - I mean, 10 frames - come on lads!), but in doing so, leave a blooming excessive gap between the last frame and the hive wall (see first photo). So large, in fact, that the bees will certainly draw brace comb here, and stick the frame to the wall of the hive. Obviously, in the brood box, the standard mitigation is going to be using a dummy board, but in the supers, the only way to mitigate this is by ditching the Hoffman spacing (and either manually spacing by eye, or possibly using wide ends).
So in summary - unless somebody tells me I am wrong (happy to learn), the Paradise hives have an ill considered design in respect of bee space. They have too much space in all directions, and bees are therefore going to fill/gum the boxes up with brace/burr comb in every which way. In fact, why not save the money, and get an empty polystyrene box from your local fishmonger, chuck the bees in that, and let them crack on. The results would probably be similar

... Make sure you give it a good wash first.
Comments please, people !