Oxalic Acid Vapourising - Time of Day

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Nov 28, 2016
Reaction score
South West
Hive Type
Number of Hives
4 Hives
This is my first bee keeping winter, so far so good, the bees are still there & some are often out flying at the warmest part of the day.
I intend to vapourise my hives with oxalic acid in the next few days. I have got myself familiar with the method & PPE, but I am unsure what time of day would be best. My only thought was if vaping makes some of the bees leave the hive, then maybe I should do it at the warmest (or least cold) part of the day.
Thanks Nick
Nick, bees live in darkness. Outside air temperature may be more relevant as a guide; as in warmer= looser cluster.... vapor penetrates better? I speculate this may be the case and am myself waiting for warmer days to vape...The answer isn't black and white.
I did mine - a few weeks ago now - at about 8pm in the pitch dark, by the light of a red head torch. It was the warmest evening of the month (~12C) so, as Beefriendly suggests, the cluster was dispersed and so was the vapour.

Even if they are flying it's not an issue. Those that return will find there's a dose waiting for them on every surface in the hive. That's why it's an effective treatment for recently hived swarms.
Just finished vapping just under 10 hives for a good friend.

only a few bees came out on a single hive for a look.
Thanks for the replies, I will vape them early afternoon on Saturday, we are forecasted for 13 degrees, that’s probably as good as it will get.
Cheers Nick