Hi Arl and All
OK, here is my best attempt, now that it is clear you have a 500ml solution that is due to be made up to 1 litre. Finman didn't get this right as the dissolved volume isn't the sum of the parts, and the solutions are measured by volume not weight.
You have three options:
1) Use it as intended by diluting to 1 litre, it is not so bad and better than not treating.
2) Make a 4.5% solution, probably the most popular concentration in the UK. You have 500 mls solution, carrying 60g oxalic and 300g sugar. We're heading for 4.5% in 50% syrup (which some call 3.2% of oxalic acid given that the crystals are oxalic acid dihydrate).
To get the acid right, the 60g of oxalic needs to be diluted (eventually) into 1.33 litres.
You currently have 300g sugar and you'll need this supplemented with about 600g sugar to make this roughly a 1:1 syrup.
Take your 500 mls, add the sugar, warm to dissolve as much as you can, top up with warm water, keep stirring to get all to dissolve, and you're done. You now have 1.33 litres, enough for around 40-50 hives. Assuming that you don't have that number, you could try freezing the left-overs in useful amounts as I don't think it will keep for a year in the fridge. Once it discolours it is done. I never try to keep it from year to year as making it from scratch is so cheap.
3) Go with Finman's (later) suggestion of a 3.5% solution, but not his recipe. Some use this concentration successfully.
OK, you have 500 mls carrying 60g oxalic acid and 300g sugar.
To get the acid right, the 60g of oxalic needs to be diluted (eventually) into 1.714 litres.
You currently have 300g sugar and you'll need this supplemented with about 720g sugar to get a 1:1 syrup.
Take your 500 mls, add the sugar, warm to dissolve as much as possible, top up with warm water, keep stirring to dissolve fully and you're done. You now have 1.714 litres, enough for around 50-60 hives.
It is clear that you don't need to be precise as 3.5%, 4.5% and 6% all work. Constructive criticism welcome. Yes, I know it would be simpler for folk to buy the crystals and make a small amount from scratch.
A comment on the labelling: it says 'stable at a temperature between 10 and 25C' and gives a best before date of Dec 2011. I find that hard to believe.
all the best