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May 29, 2010
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3 National Hives & 1 Observation Hive.(Indoors) & lots of empty boxes..
I note that for the last 24 hours I have not been geting the normal email that tells me somebody has replied to a thread which I have been contributing (well sort of )to.......

one hopes that when the glitch sorts itself that I dont get flooded with emails..
servers are being changed there is a thread about it and possible disruption
I note that for the last 24 hours I have not been geting the normal email that tells me somebody has replied to a thread which I have been contributing (well sort of )to.......

one hopes that when the glitch sorts itself that I dont get flooded with emails..

Did not know that was possible and glad I don’t have that button ticked as to me that would be somewhat annoying.

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