Nothing mellow about black and yellow

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Salutatory tale.

Very many years ago,,, back in the second half of the last century one BKA in Surrey insisted proper "on site" training with an experienced beekeeper for swarm collectors before they could go on the "Swarm collectors" list.

Don't know why it's off topic chat but there you go.

Salutory tale indeed. Behind pest controllers the next most susceptible population to wasp stings are beekeepers. Seen too many cavalier attitudes in my time especially beeks who right off the risk from wasp stings because they don't suffer too much from honey bee stings. Immunity developed from frequently experienced honey bee stings doesn't confer immunity to wasp stings.
I have been stung by wasps more than i have from bees..i seem to attract the bad tempered things for some reason..this year i have not received a single wasp sting just bee stings...out of the two i would prefare a wasp sting anytime compared to a bee..:rolleyes:
...out of the two i would prefare a wasp sting anytime compared to a bee..:rolleyes:

I don't.
Still a few wasps around now, catching up to 25 a day in the giant wasp trap, hope to catch some queens in spring and help the rest of the local insect population from being decimated.
Didn't think you could get AS from was sting?
Is this another case of the fast buck being made by identifying honey bees as the golden Vespa so they can spray & walk away with £100+ profit??

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