I would second what others have said about getting a Radial, have help a friend out with a small hand driven tangential, any more than a few hives it becomes a chore (why i was asked to help!)
I bought a second hand Giordan 8 frame Radial and it came with the drill on it. the drill was a bit naff to be honest.
I have swapped the drill for a running machine motor second hand on ebay,
DC motors are much better at variable speed running.
£7 for motor control unit, £6 for enclosure, £22 for new belt & pullys (changed ratio a bit) and £1 for the treadmill so £36 all in.
And have used the choke from the running machine so keeps a nice constant speed.
Extractor running
It will do 3 or 4 supers in less than an hour.
the other advantage is, it comes with slot in cages that will take 14 x 12.